Copyright 2012 Radiodetection Ltd.
– SPX Corporation. All rights reserved. Radiodetection is a subsidiary of SPX Corporation.
This document may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted, modified or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Radiodetection
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Attach a foot pump to the jig and pressurise @
2 bar.
Submerge the end of the rod into a bucket of
water and check for air leaks.
Plug the mini Molex into the rear of slip-
ring PCB
item 3
then push the wires
and the PCB down into the connector
being careful not to squash or damage
any wires.
Secure the PCB in position with circlip
item 2,
being careful not to scratch the
PCB in the process.
Using a DVM set to its highest
resistance range, meter between each
wire and from each wire to the
connector and ensure that all readings
show open circuit
Repeat the earlier continuity test.