3. While the unit is running at 2.0mph/3.2kph, determine where the belt is in relation
to the belt alignment gauge.
4. Should your belt be in the wrong color range, follow the steps below to return the
belt to the "safety zone":
5. If the belt is in the left red zone: Turn the left belt adjustment bolt located at the
rear of the treadmill clockwise 1/4 turn at a time, using the hex Allen wrench.
Then turn the right belt adjustment bolt counterclockwise 1/4 turn. Let the
treadmill run 30 seconds, then check the position of the belt in the color gauge. If
the belt still has not returned to the green safety zone, repeat with another 1/4
turn until the belt has returned to the middle of the green area. Do not turn
adjusting bolt more than 1/4 turn at one time.
If the belt is on the edge of the green color, please adjust it so it is in the middle of
the green color. You may turn the adjustment nut less than 1/4 turn at one time.
6. Conversely, if the belt is in the right red zone, turn the right belt adjustment nut
clockwise 1/4 turn, then turn the left adjustment bolt counterclockwise 1/4 turn.
Then let the treadmill run at least 30 seconds, check the position of the belt in the
color gauge. If it still has not returned to the green safety zone, repeat with
another 1/4 turn until the belt has return to the middle of the green area. Do not
turn adjusting bolt more than 1/4 turn at one time.
7. When the belt is back in the green "safety zone", you can continue your regular
use of the treadmill. Slowly increase the speed of the unit to 5.5 MPH (9 KPH),
and let it run for at least 45 seconds.
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