After use, empty the device from all liquid. Note:
If the device is used with a “mouthwash”, after
each use, rinse the device allowing the water to
pass one full water tank to remove any leftover.
• TOOThbrUsh
: to keep your brush head in
a good condition of use, rinse it carefully under
water during few seconds. The toothbrush has
to be in motion while operating. For a perfect
hygiene, you can soak the brush head (and only
the head) once a week in a water container with
a denture cleaner.
Clean the toothbrush with a soft and damp cloth.
The power pack has to be perfectly dry before
putting the toothbrush back on the charging
: clean the external sides
from the charging base with a soft and damp
Unplug the device from the outlet.
Rinse the sprinkler head and the handle separa-
tely during a few seconds.
Caution: make sure the water doesn’t go in the
Put the head away in the compartment after
cleaning. Put the handle back on the base.
Regularly clean the charger base with a soft
cloth. The base has to be perfectly dry before
plugging into the outlet.
Caution before the first use
1. If you had an oral or periodontal surgery,
contact your dentist before using the water jet.
2. If you have a gum excessive bleeding, or even
if you are bleeding after two weeks, consult your
1 - Take off the tank. Make sure you’re holding
the base (1) from one hand, and the tank with
the other hand.
Fill the tank with warm water and put it back on
the device.
2 – Plug the device in the outlet.
Note: before the first use, rinse the device
allowing the water to pass one full water
If the device is used with a “mouthwash”, you
need to rinse the device with pure water after
each use in order to remove any leftover. If
the device has not been used for a while, it is
advised, for sanitary conditions, to follow the
instructions for initial use and allow a full water
container to pass.
3. Choose a water jet head or a multi jet head
(8) and place it on the base handle, this way the
colored head is in the same direction as “the
water stop” button.
4. Put the pressure control button at the
minimum (in front of LO) for the first use. You
can gradually increase the pressure in order to
find the most comfortable position (MI then HI/
5. Put the device in motion by pushing the “on/
off” button located on the base (7), lean over
your sink and put the head brush in your mouth.
Put the button “on/off” from the water jet on the
“on” (I) position.
Note: keep your mouth lightly open and your
elbow raised so that the water can flow into the
6. Run the water along
your gums and between
your teeth. Never point
the sprinkler head directly
at your gums. For best
results, it is advisable to
start with your back teeth
and work forward the front
7. To pass from the “jet”
function to the hydro mas-
sage spray (or vice-versa),
use the multi jet head brush
and run the colored part.
Use the jet for an accurate/
precise cleaning and a lar-
ger jet for a massage and
cleaning in general.
8. Once you’re done, put
the “on/off” water jet (on the
handle) on the “off” position
(O). Take away the head by