MI Issue 5
6.8.1 Service (Loop Calibration)
This following will assist the user to calibrate each of the 4-20 mA input or output current
Use example: calibrate 4-20 mA input channel 1 - See section on Calibration of Analog
Input and Output: page 82.
Step 1
Take the flowmeter 'offline' by clicking the Go Offline button.
Step 2
Using an ammeter and external current source, set the input current to 4.00 mA.
Step 3
Enter the current into the Enter Input Current 1 box and click the save_input 1
Step 4
Using an ammeter and external current source, set the input current to 20.00 mA.
Step 5
Enter the current into the Enter Input Current 2 box and click the cal_input 1
Step 6
The Slope and Offset values will change to reflect the new calibration.
Step 7
Click the save button to permanently save the calibration data.
Step 8
Click the Go On line button to resume normal operation.
Fig. 82