I. Introduction
The PulseBlasterESR-PRO-200-cPCI is a programmable multichannel pulse/delay generator in the
CompactPCI form factor. This device is capable of generating pulses and delays with duration ranging from 5 ns
to 2.3 x 10
seconds (260 days). The PulseBlasterESR-PRO-200-cPCI features outputs on BNC connectors and
IDC headers, highly flexible program flow control, and can accommodate pulse programs containing up to 4096
instructions (if more instructions are necessary, please contact SpinCore Technologies, Inc. for more information).
The PulseBlasterESR-PRO-200-cPCI is capable of generating complex output pulse sequences featuring
very short and very long pulses and delays in the same sequence. Pulses/delays can be as short as one clock
cycle, to as long as 2
clock cycles. Regardless of the pulse/delay length, timing resolution is only one clock
The intelligence of the PulseBlasterESR-PRO-200-cPCI comes from its proprietary PulseBlaster processor
core. Unlike general-purpose processors, the PulseBlaster processor core features a highly optimized instruction
set designed for timing applications. A unique feature of the PulseBlaster processor core is the user can vary the
execution time of instructions.
User interaction with the PulseBlasterESR-PRO-200-cPCI can be accomplished in several different ways.
Many Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) are offered by SpinCore Technologies that allow a user with little to no
programming experience to create, edit, save and run pulse programs. Development environments like
LabVIEW, MATLAB, and C/C++, are supported by using the SpinAPI package, a dedicated Application
Programming Interface (API) package. The SpinAPI package can be used with most Windows programming
environments and can be used with other operating systems, including Linux. Software for the PulseBlasterESR-
PRO-200-cPCI is available on our website: