Spectur Guide for STA6 Installation
1300 802 960 | www.spectur.com.au
Attaching the panel
Step 1:
Remove the M30 nut
and M30 washer from
the top of the STA6
system. When
removing the nut and
washer disonnect the
cable at the yellow
connection point.
Step 2:
Lift the panel up to the system and place it over
the top of the system, in the same place the nut
and washer were removed. Once in position
secure with the nut and washer from step 1.
Reattach the disconnected cable from step 1.
Step 3:
Orient the panel such that when it is winched up it will
be facing north. Then, using two M8x20 bolts with two
M8 washers, secure the system by inserting the bolts
into the holes in the camera box. Tighten the screws to
secure the panel in its current orientation.
Commented [GP6]:
Most pics and instructions are old
(pre-yellow dual panel connectors). This may be confusing.
Will need to update this section.