User Manual e-Mobby
Revision: 1.0
Page 21 of 30
Date of release: 2019-02-14
UM0002-EN_e-Mobby 2_1.0.docx
3.6.8 Miscellaneous customizations
Besides the described options, several customer-specific customizations may be applicable. Since it
may vary for each user, these options are not fully explained in this manual. One can of the following:
Specific colorization
Customer specific branding
Specific charger cable
Specific drive sounds and/or notifications
3.7 Positioning of the passenger
Positioning the passenger is a straight forward procedure. The e-Mobby has some features to make
sitting down more convenient. One way is to let the passenger stand between the two front wheels with
the face facing front. If needed lift the passenger foot board (see pictures below). Guide the passenger
while sitting down and make sure to fasten the seatbelt. If applicable, lower the foot board.
The other way is to lift an armrest (both left and right can be lifted) so that the passenger can sit down
from the side of the e-Mobby. After sitting down, the passenger can face forward, the armrest can be
lowered. Once seated, fasten the seatbelt.
Foot board
Foot board
Arm rest
Arm rest
Seat belt