User Manual e-Mobby
Revision: 1.0
Page 10 of 30
Date of release: 2019-02-14
UM0002-EN_e-Mobby 2_1.0.docx
2.5.2 Customizations
Besides the choice in power supply, the e-Mobby is highly configurable to customer needs. The following
summary gives an overview of the available customizations:
Customer specific color of the body parts
Customer branding
Type of seat; perforated panels (standard) or upholstered seats
Customer specific notifications whiling operating the e-Mobby (e.g. drive sounds, additional horn,
visual signals)
2.5.3 Options
The e-Mobby has different options to complement the product and making daily use of the e-Mobby even
more convenient. The following options are available:
Foot board for operator
passenger’s seat base, making the e-Mobby suitable for larger passengers
Unbreakable polycarbonate luggage cradle
Electric powered lifters (for lifting a Mobby to couple in front of the e-Mobby)
Towing bracket for luggage cart
2.6 Accessories
For the e-Mobby, the following accessories are available:
Luggage cart, to be towed behind the e-Mobby using the accompanying towing bracket
underneath the foot board. This luggage cart has a capacity of about 3 cabin size suitcases.
Mobby, which can be coupled in front of the e-
Mobby with a maximum of two Mobby’s to
transport a total of three passengers.
Please contact Special Mobility or your local reseller for detailed information about the
application and limitations of these accessories.
2.7 Commissioning
Commissioning of the e-Mobby must be done by the service technician. Instructions for this activity are
available in the technical manual (see TM0002).