We also had some derelict robot parts around the workshop that we used to
hold everything together. We improvised using materials we had handy and
suggest that you do the same!
Build the Circuit
To start, we assembled the circuit on the workbench.
We used male and female headers to stack the Power Cell atop the Servo
Trigger board.
Headers used to stack Power Cell on Servo Trigger.
The whisker switches were assembled as described in this hookup guide,
with one built in right-hand orientation and the other left-handed.
The whisker switches also needed a quick electronic modification to make
them compatible with the Servo Trigger. We desoldered the resistor from
the PCB and replaced it with a blob of solder, so the whisker acts as a
simple switch closure.
Jumper Wire - 0.1", 2-pin, 6"
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