You’ll also need some hookup wire and a small screwdriver.
Doublecheck The Trigger
Before we start building, doublecheck that you’ve got a Continuous
Rotation Servo Trigger. There are tick boxes on the back of the PCB, and
the “continuous rotation” box should be marked.
To start, solder some wires to the tactile switch. If you solder to legs on on
opposite corners (top-right and lower-left, for instance), you can be
confident that you’ll get a contact closure when you press the button.
Switch Assembly
Next, prepare the power plug pigtail. Take a pair of wires, and strip the
ends. Then screw them to the power jack adapter – if you look closely at
the adaptor, you’ll notice that there are a small
embossed in the
plastic. We used a red wire for VCC on the
terminal and a black wire for
ground on the
Break Away Male Headers -
Right Angle
DC Barrel Jack Adapter -
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