DPU/DO - Page 23 - REV. 5/25/00
View/Set Parameters
Notice that the number of the unit being addressed is displayed in the upper right corner of this screen. Use
“NEXT” and “LAST” to change the unit number. If the unit being addressed is a carriage controller of the
Power Pro/EC300A/EC400 style, the user is presented with the screen below. However, when a safety
floor monitor or older EC300 control is being addressed, function 2, the View/Set Parameters line will not
be shown. If the unit is a safety floor monitor it does not support or need programming. If the unit is an
older EC300 carriage controller it uses dipswitches for setting its parameters.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
U n i t N u m b e r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
- - S e l e c t a F u n c t i o n . . .
< 1 > D i a g n o s e B o a r d I n p u t s
< 2 > V i e w / S e t P a r a m e t e r s
< 3 > E x a m i n e H e x R e g i s t e r s
< N E X T > < L A S T > < E S C A P E >
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Diagnostic Selection Screen --
Pressing the 3 key from this screen sends the user to a technical area described in detail on page 53.
Pressing the 2 key on the keypad from the Diagnostic Selection Screen enters the View/Set Parameters
section. To select the various options press the arrow keys corresponding to the NEXT and LAST keys.
While in the View/Set Parameters section the unit addressed can not be changed. Return to the diagnostic
Selection screen by pushing the ESCAPE key and then select another unit address by using the NEXT or
LAST keys. Also, while in the View/Set Parameters section, pressing the HELP key will display the Zero
Force Sensors screen. There are two different types of parameter screens to change the options.
One group of parameters is set by multiple choice. These screens all have two or more choices with
numbers to select each one. An asterisk will be displayed to the left of the option currently selected.
Choosing a different NUMBER on the keypad will select that option and move the asterisk.
The other group of parameters requires the user to enter a numerical value. All keys function the same
except for the way the value is entered. On this type of screen the current value is shown on the input
line. To change the value, press the CLEAR key to erase the entire value and type in a new one, or
backspace over part of the value and type in the new portion. Either way, the user must press the
ENTER key to make the new value permanent. The input line also gives the range of values allowable
for this particular option. An entry that falls outside the displayed boundaries will be erased when the
ENTER key is pressed and the old value will be re-displayed as the current value.
Upon completion of programming for each controller a press of the "SAVE" key is required. Once the
information is stored and saved other controllers may be addressed.
Screens in this section with a check mark indicate parameters that need only be programmed into
one controller; that can generate commands causing the rest to “follow the leader” (i.e. fire park).