Appendix I
RS485 Communication Protocol
Definition of communication parameter address
The section is about communication contents, it’s used to control the operation,
status and related parameter settings of the inverter. Read and write function-code
parameters (Some functional code is not changed, only for the manufacturer use or
monitoring) : the rules of labeling function code parameters address:
The group number and label number of function code is used to indicate the
parameter address:
High byte: F0 to FB (F group), A0 to AF (E group), B0 to BF (B group), C0 to
C7 (Y group), 70 to 7F (d group), low byte: 00 to FF
For example: address F3.01 indicates F301;
Note: L0 group parameters: neither read nor change; d group parameters: only
read, not change.
Some parameters can not be changed during operation, but some parameters
can not be changed regardless of the inverter is in what state.When changing the
function code parameters, please pay attention to the scope, units, and relative
instructions on the parameter.
Besides, due to EEPROM is frequently stored, it will reduce the life of
EEPROM, therefore under the communication mode some function code do not need
to be stored and you just change the RAM value.
If F group parameters need to achieve the function, as long as change high
order F of the function code address to 0. If E group parameters need to achieve the
function, as long as change high order F of the function code address to 4. The
corresponding function code addresses are indicated below: high byte: 00 to 0F (F
group), 40 to 4F (E group), 50 to 5F (B group), 60 to 67 (Y group), low byte:00 to
For example:
Function code F3.01 can not be stored into EEPROM, address indicates as
0301; function code E3.05 can not be stored into EEPROM, address indicates as
4305; the address indicates that only writing RAM can be done and reading can not
be done, when reading, it is invalid address. For all parameters, you can also use the
command code 07H to achieve the function.
Stop/Run parameters section:
Parameter address
Parameter description
*Communication set value (-10000 to 10000) (Decimal)
Set speed
Bus voltage