65 Aleksandar Stamboliyski Str., 8000 Bourgas, Bulgaria
Tel.: +359 56 710710, Fax: +359 56 836700
Email: [email protected], Web: www.sound4.com
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Once the device is connected to a local network or to the Internet by the applied LAN cable,
download the In-Box Admin Ethernet from:
This tool is dedicated to In-Box Products, and especially for products that don’t get the possibility
to setup Admin Ethernet IP from front panel. This software will do an automatic network discovery
and find SOUND4 In-Box products currently connected to be able to setup Admin Ethernet IP.
This software will also install a needed third party software called WinPcap.
In order for the program to be able to scan the device, please make sure that the unit is connected
to the power supply chain and in the Ethernet network. Then, open the In-Box Admin Ethernet and
follow the instructions listed below:
1. Once the program window opens, select the model of the device to be scanned from the
sub-section as depicted below.