65 Aleksandar Stamboliyski Str., 8000 Bourgas, Bulgaria
Tel.: +359 56 710710, Fax: +359 56 836700
Email: [email protected], Web: www.sound4.com
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[Undo]/[Redo] – will undo or redo the settings applied to the processing settings.
[Preset] – To select a preset, press on [Preset] button, and list of all presets will appear on the
screen. Double click on the desired preset will load it automatically to the device. The preset can
be used as it is, or some changes to the parameters can be applied. For detailed explanation How a
new preset can be created, please
refer to “How a new preset can be created” on page
[Compare] – A list of presets will be loaded. Then you can click on a preset of choice and then
[Reference] – Upon pressing the button, the software will toggle between the settings of the two
presets allowing a comparison to be made.
[Histo] (History) – Will open a window with list of the presets used.
[About] – Will open a window with the following options.
• About – Displays the current information about the device, along with the current
temperatures from the connected unit.
• Download L&S doc – SOUND4 provides great feature throughout its product line: Link &
Share. This tool is designed to allow remote control and monitoring of the devices across
the network, using simple text commands via Telnet. The list of commands is available by
clicking on About in the remote control window, then choosing Download L&S doc. The
XML file contains all commands, necessary syntax and parameters applicable to this device
and its current version. Using Telnet access by port 3002, it is possible to type commands
directly and see the values or change the parameters necessary, or it is possible to use
various automation or script APIs to execute these commands to fully integrate SOUND4
products into your facility control and monitoring network.
• Download SNMP MIB File – The MIB file may vary from one firmware revision to another.
Downloading this file from the device, guarantees that you have the proper MIB file.
[Setup] – will open the set-up menu. For detailed information on the process, please
refer to
“Settings” on page 86