Instructions for use Airon
Instructions for use Airon
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2 General information
The wheelchair is only used to transport the person for whom it has been adapted by a qualified
specialist dealer.
In the case of children or persons with impaired ability to act, the parents or authorized caregi-
vers must ensure that the information in the instructions for use is followed.
The largely safe use of the aid is only possible on level, firm and dry ground with the anti-tip
activated with the help of an attendant.
Any use going beyond this harbors a variety of dangers that can only be assumed at the
user's own responsibility. This presupposes sufficient competence in recognizing and avoiding
hazards and the safe handling of the aid by the user as necessary! Particular attention must be
paid to the increased risk potential in wet conditions, ice, loose ground, slopes, obstacles, pro-
ximity to water, road traffic, too narrow spaces, etc.
Only use the wheelchair for its intended purpose. Any improper use harbors considera-
ble dangers and leads to the expiry of product liability.
Due to the large variety of combinations for seat and wheel position, settings may be
possible that are related to the safety and application area.
2.2.3 Indication
2.2.4 Contraindication
The use is suitable, among other things, with the following functional impairments:
• In the case of abolished or severely restricted usability of the lower extremities.
In the case of non-compensable, significant reduction in the performance of the heart
and lungs.
• Balance disorders.
• Ataxias.
• Partial or complete inability to walk (e.g. due to illnesses; accidents, paralysis or amputa-
tions, damage to the brain or also due to congenital deformities).
The wheelchair must not be used for:
• Inability to sit.
The wheelchair may only be used with an accompanying person if:
Insufficient or no vision.
We assume no liability for damage to persons or objects under the circumstances
described above.
2.2.2 Intended use
Airon is a light, manoeuvrable active wheelchair for indoor and outdoor use.