Instructions for use Airon
Instructions for use Airon
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2 General information
Use beyond the specified service life leads to an increase in the residual risks and should
only be carried out after careful, qualified consideration by the operator. If the service life is
reached, the user or a responsible person should contact the specialist retailer. There you can
get information about the possibility of processing the product.
Combination with products from other manufacturers
The wheelchair may only be combined with the additional electrical drives approved by the
manufacturer. Restrictions or adjustments as well as the cultivation itself are incumbent on the
provider of the additional system or the authorized specialist trade. Please ask the manufactu-
rer of the additional drives for the requirements.
In the combination of a wheelchair and an additional electric drive, particular loads occur
which can lead to damage to the wheelchair. Approach obstacles slowly and overcome them
carefully so that little force is exerted on the caster wheel, drive wheel and the wheelchair as a