PC-03A - Introduction
This course is designed to aid the technician in servicing the Sony PCGV505 series notebook computers.
Although there are several versions of this model, including those built for different countries, the troubleshooting
and disassembly procedures remain relatively the same. The product used for reference is a PCG-V505DX.
This manual will be divided into two sections. The first chapter will discuss troubleshooting procedures for
analyzing potential failures. The first step in deciding what is causing a failure is to determine if the problem is
caused by hardware or software. Knowing where to obtain information about the product is also a key to proper
diagnostics and repair.
Topics that will be discussed are:
Troubleshooting “No Power” conditions
Locating the cause of a Power On Self Test (POST) failure
Operating System failures
Proper identification of major components such as motherboards and drives
How to order the correct motherboard
On-line resources for technical assistance
System recovery procedures, including Configured To Order (CTO) models
BIOS and software upgrades
The second chapter will cover the proper disassembly and reassembly of each component all the way to a
complete teardown. Proper inventory of the screws removed during disassembly is crucial to prevent poorly
mounted components and/or damage. Detailed photos and descriptions will aid the technician in returning a
properly reassembled unit to the customer.