background image



Vous risquez de subir des lésions auditives si vous utilisez cet 
appareil à un volume élevé. Pour des raisons de sécurité, 
n’utilisez pas cet appareil en voiture ou à vélo.



N’appliquez pas un poids excessif et n’exercez pas de 
pression sur l’appareil, car cela pourrait le déformer en cas de 
stockage prolongé.



Ne soumettez pas l’appareil à un choc excessif.



Nettoyez l’appareil avec un chiffon doux et sec.



N’exposez pas l’appareil à l’eau. L’appareil n’est pas résistant 
à l’eau. 
Veillez à respecter les précautions suivantes.



Veillez à ne pas laisser tomber l’appareil dans un évier ou 
tout autre récipient rempli d’eau.



N’utilisez pas l’appareil dans des endroits humides ou dans 
de mauvaises conditions climatiques (pluie ou neige).



L’appareil ne doit pas être mouillé. 
Si vous touchez l’appareil avec des mains mouillées ou si 
vous le glissez dans un vêtement mouillé, de l’eau risque 
de pénétrer à l’intérieur et de provoquer un 
dysfonctionnement de l’appareil.



Les oreillettes peuvent se détériorer en raison d’un stockage 
ou d’une utilisation prolongé(e).



En cas de questions ou de problèmes concernant cet appareil 
qui ne sont pas abordés dans ce mode d’emploi, contactez 
votre revendeur Sony le plus proche.

Il est possible de commander des coussinets de 
remplacement auprès de votre revendeur Sony le plus 

Emplacement de l’étiquette comportant le numéro de 

Étiquette avec 
numéro de 


Pour fixer les oreillettes




  Alignez la partie saillante dans la rainure sur la partie 

principale avec l’encoche sur l’oreillette.


  Placez votre doigt au niveau de l’encoche, puis faites glisser 

votre doigt autour de la jupe de l’oreillette pour fixer la jupe 
sur la rainure sur la partie principale.


Faites attention à ne pas coincer d’objets étrangers entre la 
partie principale et l’oreillette. Éloignez les objets métalliques 
car ils peuvent se coller aux haut-parleurs dans le casque.



Système de communication :

 Spécification BLUETOOTH 

version 3.0

Sortie :

 Spécification BLUETOOTH Power Class 2

Portée maximale des communications :

 Environ 10 m (30 pi) 

en ligne directe


Bande de fréquence :


Bande 2,4 GHz (2,4000 GHz - 2,4835 GHz)

Méthode de modulation :


Profils BLUETOOTH compatibles




A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) 
AVRCP (Audio Video Remote Control Profile) 
HFP (Hands-free Profile) 
HSP (Headset Profile)

Codec pris en charge







, aptX

Méthode de protection du contenu pris en charge :


Plage de transmission (A2DP) :

 20 Hz - 20 000 Hz (fréquence 

d’échantillonnage 44,1 kHz)

Articles inclus :


Casque stéréo sans fil (1) 
Câble micro-USB (environ 50 cm (19 3/4 po)) (1) 
Câble de casque d’écoute (environ 1,2 m (47 1/4 po)) (1) 
Guide de référence (ce manuel) (1) 
Guide de prise en main (1) 
Autres documents (1 ensemble)

Accessoire recommandé :


Adaptateur CA de charge USB : AC-UD20 (vendu 


  La portée réelle varie en fonction de nombreux facteurs, tels 

que la présence d’obstacles entre les périphériques, les 
champs magnétiques autour des fours à micro-ondes, 
l’électricité statique, la sensibilité de la réception, les 
performances de l’antenne, le système d’exploitation, les 
applications logicielles, etc.


Les profils standard BLUETOOTH sont destinés aux 
communications BLUETOOTH entre périphériques.


  Codec : format de conversion et compression du signal audio


  Codec de sous-bande


  Encodage audio avancé

Casque stéréo sans fil

Source d’alimentation :


3,7 V CC : Batterie rechargeable lithium-ion intégrée 
5 V CC : Chargement sur port USB

Masse :

 Environ 280 g (10 oz)

Température de fonctionnement :

 0 °C à 40 °C (32 °F à 104 °F)

Consommation à puissance nominale:

 1,5 W

Durée d’utilisation :


Dans le cas d’une connexion via l’appareil BLUETOOTH 
    Durée de la lecture de musique : 20 heures max. 
  Durée de communication : 20 heures max. 
  Durée de veille : 200 heures max. 
Une communication continue d’environ 7 heures est 
possible après 1 heure de charge. 
Remarque : Les heures d’utilisation peuvent être plus 
courtes en fonction du codec et des conditions 

Durée de chargement :


Environ 4 heures

Température de charge :

 5 °C à 35 °C (41 °F à 95 °F)


Type :

 Fermé, dynamique

Transducteurs :

 40 mm

Réponse en fréquence :

 3 Hz - 28 000 Hz (utilisé avec le câble 

de casque d’écoute fourni)

Puissance d’entrée maximale :

 1 000 mW (CEI*) (utilisé avec le 

câble de casque d’écoute fourni) 
*CEI = Commission Électrotechnique Internationale

Impédance :


24 Ω (1 kHz) (utilisé avec le câble de casque d’écoute 

Sensibilité :


102 dB/mW (utilisé avec le câble de casque d’écoute 


Type :

 Condensateur à électret

Directivité :


Plage de fréquences efficace :

 100 Hz – 4 000 Hz

Configuration requise pour la mise 
en charge de la batterie via une 
connexion USB

Ordinateur personnel doté de l’un des systèmes d’exploitation 
ci-dessous et équipé d’un port USB : 

Systèmes d’exploitation

(sous Windows)


 8.1 / Windows


 8.1 Pro



 8 / Windows


 8 Pro




Home Basic / Home Premium / Professional / Ultimate

Windows Vista


 (Service Pack 2 ou ultérieur) 

Home Basic / Home Premium / Business / Ultimate

(sous Mac)
Mac OS X (version 10.3 ou ultérieure)

La conception et les spécifications sont sujettes à modification 
sans préavis.



Para evitar descargas eléctricas, no abra la unidad. En 
caso de avería, solicite los servicios de personal 

No sitúe el aparato en un espacio cerrado, como una estantería 
o un armario empotrado.

No exponga las pilas (la batería o las pilas instaladas) a fuentes 
de calor excesivo como luz solar, fuego o similares durante un 
período prolongado.

La marca denominativa BLUETOOTH y sus logotipos son 
propiedad de Bluetooth SIG, Inc. y Sony Corporation los utiliza 
bajo licencia.

N Mark es una marca comercial o una marca comercial 
registrada de NFC Forum, Inc. en los Estados Unidos y en otros 

Microsoft, Windows y Windows Vista son marcas comerciales 
registradas o marcas comerciales de Microsoft Corporation en 
Estados Unidos y en otros países.

Mac y Mac OS son marcas registradas de Apple Inc., registradas 
en Estados Unidos y otros países.

La marca aptX


 y el logotipo de aptX son marcas comerciales 

de CSR plc o las empresas de su grupo y pueden estar 
registradas en una jurisdicción o varias.

Las demás marcas y nombres comerciales pertenecen a sus 
respectivos propietarios.


Comunicaciones BLUETOOTH



La tecnología inalámbrica BLUETOOTH opera en un rango de 
10 metros aproximadamente. El rango máximo de 
comunicación puede variar dependiendo de los obstáculos 
(personas, metales, paredes, etc.) o entornos 



La antena está incorporada en la unidad como se muestra 
con la linea punteada. La sensibilidad de las comunicaciones 
BLUETOOTH mejorará si gira la dirección de la antena 
incorporada hacia el dispositivo BLUETOOTH conectado. Si 
existen obstáculos entre la antena del dispositivo conectado 
y la antena incorporada de esta unidad, es posible que se 
produzcan ruidos o pérdidas de señal de audio, o que se 
interrumpan las comunicaciones.



Es posible que se interrumpan las comunicaciones 
BLUETOOTH o que se produzcan ruidos o pérdidas de señal 
de audio en los siguientes casos.



La existencia de una persona entre la unidad y el 
dispositivo BLUETOOTH. 
Esta situación se puede mejorar al colocar el dispositivo 
BLUETOOTH frente a la antena de la unidad.



La existencia de obstáculos, como un objeto metálico o 
una pared, entre la unidad y el dispositivo BLUETOOTH.



El uso de dispositivos que utilicen una frecuencia de 
2,4 GHz como, por ejemplo, un dispositivo Wi-Fi, un 
teléfono inalámbrico o un microondas, cerca de la unidad.



Dado que los dispositivos BLUETOOTH y Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11b/g) 
utilizan la misma frecuencia (2,4 GHz), pueden producirse 
interferencias de microondas que produzcan ruidos o 
pérdidas de señal de audio o la interrupción de las 
comunicaciones al utilizar esta unidad cerca de un dispositivo 
Wi-Fi. En este caso, realice el procedimiento siguiente.



Utilice esta unidad a una distancia mínima de 10 metros del 
dispositivo Wi-Fi.



Si utiliza esta unidad a menos de 10 metros de un 
dispositivo Wi-Fi, apague dicho dispositivo.



Instale esta unidad y el dispositivo BLUETOOTH a la 
distancia más corta posible entre sí.



Las microondas que emite un dispositivo BLUETOOTH 
pueden afectar el funcionamiento de dispositivos médicos 
electrónicos. Apague esta unidad y los demás dispositivos 
BLUETOOTH en los siguientes lugares, ya que podrían 
provocar un accidente:



donde exista gas inflamable, en un hospital, tren, avión o 



cerca de puertas automáticas o alarmas de incendios



Esta unidad admite capacidades de seguridad que cumplen 
con el estándar BLUETOOTH para proporcionar una conexión 
segura al utilizar la tecnología inalámbrica BLUETOOTH, pero 
es posible que la seguridad no sea suficiente según la 
configuración. Tenga cuidado al realizar una comunicación 
con la tecnología inalámbrica BLUETOOTH.



No se aceptan responsabilidades por la fuga de información 
que pudiera producirse durante comunicaciones BLUETOOTH.



No se puede garantizar la conexión con todos los dispositivos 



Un dispositivo que disponga de la función BLUETOOTH 
debe cumplir el estándar BLUETOOTH especificado por 
Bluetooth SIG, Inc. y estar autenticado.



Incluso en el caso de que el dispositivo conectado cumpla 
el estándar BLUETOOTH mencionado anteriormente, es 
posible que algunos dispositivos no puedan conectarse o 
funcionar correctamente, según las características o las 
especificaciones del dispositivo.



Mientras esté hablando con los manos libre del teléfono, es 
posible que se produzca ruido en función del dispositivo o 
del entorno de comunicación.



En función del dispositivo que vaya a conectarse, es posible 
que transcurra cierto tiempo antes de que se inicien las 

Para cargar la unidad



Esta unidad sólo se puede cargar usando un puerto USB. Se 
necesita una computadora personal con puerto USB o un 
adaptador AC-UD20 (se vende por separado) de alimentación 
de CA de carga mediante USB.



No es posible encender la unidad ni las funciones 
BLUETOOTH y Reforzador de bajos electrónico durante la 



Es posible utilizar la unidad al conectar el cable de auricular 
proporcionado, incluso durante la carga de la unidad.

Nota sobre la electricidad estática



La electricidad estática acumulada en el cuerpo puede causar 
un leve hormigueo en sus oídos. El efecto puede minimizarse 
al usar ropa hecha de fibras naturales.

Si la unidad no funciona correctamente



Reinicie la unidad. 
Coloque la unidad en estado de carga y pulse los botones 
POWER y BASS BOOST al mismo tiempo. Entonces, la unidad 
se reiniciará. La información de emparejamiento no se 





Si el problema persiste tras reiniciarla de la forma indicada 
anteriormente, inicie la unidad de la siguiente manera. 
Apague la unidad al pulsar el botón POWER durante más de 
2 segundos. Luego, mantenga presionados los botones 



 al mismo tiempo durante más de 

7 segundos. El indicador (azul) parpadea 4 veces y la unidad 
se reinicia con la configuración de fábrica. Toda la 
información de emparejamiento se elimina.




No coloque esta unidad en lugares expuestos a humedad, 
polvo, hollín, vapor o la luz solar directa, ni la deje en un 
automóvil en espera ante una señal de tráfico. Se pueden 
producir fallas de funcionamiento.



Es posible que el dispositivo BLUETOOTH no funcione en 
teléfonos celulares dependiendo del estado de las ondas de 
radio y del lugar donde se utilice el equipo.



Si siente algun malestar después de utilizar el dispositivo 
BLUETOOTH, deje de utilizarlo inmediatamente. Si el 
problema persiste, consulte con el distribuidor Sony más 



Si usa la unidad a un volumen alto, puede sufrir daños en los 
oídos. Por razones de seguridad vial, no la utilice mientras 
conduce o va en bicicleta.



No coloque ningún peso ni ejerza presión sobre la unidad, ya 
que ésta podría deformarse durante períodos de 
almacenamiento prolongados.



No someta la unidad a golpes excesivos.



Limpie la unidad con un paño suave seco.



No exponga la unidad al agua. La unidad no es resistente al 
Tome siempre las precauciones descritas a continuación.



Tenga cuidado de no dejar caer la unidad en un fregadero 
u otro recipiente que contenga agua.



No utilice la unidad en lugares húmedos o si hace mal 
tiempo, por ejemplo, si llueve o nieva.



No deje que la unidad se moje. 
Si toca la unidad con las manos mojadas, o la coloca en 
una prenda de ropa mojada, la unidad se puede mojar y 
esto puede provocar un funcionamiento incorrecto de la 



Es posible que las almohadillas se deterioren por el uso o por 
un almacenamiento prolongado.



Si desea realizar alguna consulta o solucionar algún 
problema con respecto a la unidad que no se trate en este 
manual, póngase en contacto con el distribuidor Sony más 
cercano a su domicilio.

Puede solicitar almohadillas de recambio opcionales a su 
distribuidor Sony más cercano.

Ubicación de la etiqueta del número de serie

Etiqueta del 
número de 


Para colocar las almohadillas




  Alinee el saliente de la ranura de la pieza principal con la 

muesca de la almohadilla.


  Coloque el dedo en la muesca, presione y deslice el dedo por 

el borde de la almohadilla una vez para insertarlo en la 
ranura de la pieza principal.


Tenga cuidado de no atrapar ningún objeto extraño entre la 
pieza principal y la almohadilla. Mantenga los auriculares 
alejados de objetos metálicos, pues se podrían adherir a los 



Sistema de comunicación:

 especificación BLUETOOTH versión 



 clase de potencia 2 de especificación BLUETOOTH

Rango de comunicación máximo:

 línea de vista de aprox. 

10 m


Banda de frecuencia:

 banda de 2,4 GHz (2,4000 GHz - 2,4835 GHz)

Método de modulación:


Perfiles BLUETOOTH compatibles




A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) 
AVRCP (Audio Video Remote Control Profile) 
HFP (Hands-free Profile) 
HSP (Headset Profile)

Códec compatible







, aptX

Sistema de protección de contenido admitido:


Intervalo de transmisión (A2DP):

 20 Hz - 20.000 Hz 

(frecuencia de muestreo de 44,1 kHz)

Artículos incluidos:


Auriculares estéreo inalámbricos (1) 
Cable micro-USB (aprox. 50 cm) (1) 
Cable de auricular (aprox. 1,2 m) (1)  
Guía de referencia (este documento) (1) 
Guía de inicio rápido (1) 
Otros documentos (1 conjunto)

Accesorio recomendado:


Adaptador de alimentación de CA de carga mediante USB: 
AC-UD20 (se vende por separado)


  El rango real variará en función de factores como, por 

ejemplo, los obstáculos que puedan interponerse entre los 
dispositivos, los campos magnéticos que puedan existir en 
torno a hornos microondas, la electricidad estática, la 
sensibilidad de recepción o el rendimiento de la antena, del 
sistema operativo, de la aplicación de software, etc.


Los perfiles estándar BLUETOOTH indican la finalidad de las 
comunicaciones BLUETOOTH entre dispositivos.


  Códec: formato de conversión y compresión de señales de 



 Códec subbanda


  Codificación de audio avanzada

Auriculares estéreo inalámbricos

Fuente de alimentación:


CC de 3,7 V: batería recargable de iones de litio 
CC de 5 V: al recargarse mediante USB


 aprox. 280 g 

Temperatura de funcionamiento:

 de 0 ºC a 40 ºC

Potencia nominal:

 1,5 W

Horas de uso:


Al utilizar una conexión BLUETOOTH 
  Tiempo de reproducción: máx. 20 horas 
  Tiempo de comunicación: máx. 20 horas 
  Tiempo de espera: máx. 200 horas 

Es posible realizar aproximadamente 7 horas de 
comunicación ininterrumpida después de 1 hora de carga. 
Nota: las horas de uso pueden ser inferiores en función 
del Códec y las condiciones de uso.

Tiempo de carga:


Aprox. 4 horas

Temperatura de carga:

 de 5 ºC a 35 ºC



 cerrado, dinámico

Unidades auriculares:

 40 mm

Respuesta de frecuencia:

 3 Hz - 28.000 Hz (cuando se utiliza 

el cable de auricular proporcionado)

Entrada máxima:

 1.000 mW (IEC*) (cuando se utiliza el cable 

de auricular proporcionado) 
*IEC = Comisión Electrotécnica Internacional



24 Ω (1 kHz) (cuando se utiliza el cable de auricular 



102 dB/mW (cuando se utiliza el cable de auricular 



 condensador de electreto



Gama de frecuencias efectivas:

 100 Hz - 4.000 Hz

Requisitos del sistema para 
realizar la carga de la batería a 
través de USB

Computadora con puerto USB y alguno de los siguientes 
sistemas operativos instalado previamente: 

Sistemas operativos

(con Windows)


 8.1 / Windows


 8.1 Pro



 8 / Windows


 8 Pro




Home Basic / Home Premium / Professional / Ultimate

Windows Vista


 (Service Pack 2 o posterior) 

Home Basic / Home Premium / Business / Ultimate

(con Mac)
Mac OS X (versión 10.3 o posterior)

El diseño y las especificaciones están sujetos a cambios sin 
previo aviso.

Summary of Contents for MDR-XB950BT

Page 1: ...ou can download from Google Play Download the app by searching for NFC Easy Connect or access it by using the two dimensional code Fees may be charged for downloading the app Note The App may not be available in some countries and or regions 3 Start the app NFC Easy Connect on the smartphone Make sure that the application screen is displayed 4 Touch this unit with the smartphone Unlock the screen ...

Page 2: ...squ un appel entrant se produit quand vous écoutez de la musique La lecture de musique se met en pause pendant un appel et reprend automatiquement lorsque l appel est terminé Le microphone est omnidirectionnel Vous n avez pas à vous soucier de la position du microphone lorsque vous parlez Remarques ˎ La lecture de musique pourra ne pas reprendre automatiquement sur certains périphériques BLUETOOTH...

Page 3: ...and 2 4000 GHz 2 4835 GHz Modulation method FHSS Compatible BLUETOOTH profiles2 A2DP Advanced Audio Distribution Profile AVRCP Audio Video Remote Control Profile HFP Hands free Profile HSP Headset Profile Supported Codec3 SBC4 AAC5 aptX Supported content protection method SCMS T Transmission range A2DP 20 Hz 20 000 Hz Sampling frequency 44 1 kHz Included items Wireless stereo headset 1 Micro USB c...

Page 4: el funcionamiento de dispositivos médicos electrónicos Apague esta unidad y los demás dispositivos BLUETOOTH en los siguientes lugares ya que podrían provocar un accidente ē donde exista gas inflamable en un hospital tren avión o gasolinera ē cerca de puertas automáticas o alarmas de incendios ˎ Esta unidad admite capacidades de seguridad que cumplen con el estándar BLUETOOTH para proporcionar ...

Page 5: ...anual if you encounter any problems or have any questions Getting started Making connections Listening to music Making phone calls Important information Troubleshooting How to Use Troubleshooting Help Guide How to Use Troubleshooting List of Topics ...

Page 6: ... 51 One touch connection NFC compatible Android devices 16 One touch connection NFC with a smartphone Android 4 1 or later 52 One touch connection NFC with a smartphone Android 2 3 3 or later and less than Android 4 1 54 Disconnecting the smartphone by one touch NFC 56 Switching the device by one touch NFC 57 Android devices not compatible with one touch connection NFC 17 Pairing and connecting wi...

Page 7: ... Switching the sound quality mode 84 Checking the sound quality mode 86 Making phone calls 25 Receiving a call 87 Making a call 89 Button functions for a phone call 91 Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection after use 81 Important information 5 Precautions 26 Precautions 92 What is BLUETOOTH wireless technology 93 Trademarks 27 Trademarks 95 Support website 28 Customer support websites 96 Troubleshooti...

Page 8: ... with one touch connection NFC 109 BLUETOOTH connection 35 Unable to make a BLUETOOTH connection 110 Distorted sound 111 The correspondence distance is short Sound skips 112 The headset does not operate properly 113 Phone calls 36 No voice from callers 114 Low voice from callers 115 Resetting or initializing the headset 37 Resetting the headset 116 Initializing the headset 117 How to Use 7 Trouble...

Page 9: ...less Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Getting started Before first use Features Parts and controls Supplied accessories Charging the headset 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 1 ...

Page 10: ... One touch connection NFC compatible Android devices Android devices not compatible with one touch connection NFC iPhone iOS devices Other BLUETOOTH devices Multi point connection Headphone cable connection 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 2 ...

Page 11: ...Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Listening to music Listening to music via a BLUETOOTH connection Electro Bass Booster function Sound quality mode 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 3 ...

Page 12: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Making phone calls Making phone calls 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 4 ...

Page 13: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Important information Precautions Trademarks Support website 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 5 ...

Page 14: ...BT Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Power Charging Sound Pairing One touch connection NFC BLUETOOTH connection Phone calls Resetting or initializing the headset 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 6 ...

Page 15: ... What you can do with the BLUETOOTH function How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices One touch connection NFC compatible Android devices One touch connection NFC with a smartphone Android 4 1 or later One touch connection NFC with a smartphone Android 2 3 3 or later and less than Android 4 1 Disconnecting the smartphone by one touch NFC Switching the device by one touch NFC Android...

Page 16: ... music from a device connected via BLUETOOTH Controlling the audio device BLUETOOTH connection Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection after use Electro Bass Booster function Electro Bass Booster function Using the Electro Bass Booster function Sound quality mode Switching the sound quality mode Checking the sound quality mode Making phone calls Making phone calls Receiving a call Making a call Button ...

Page 17: ...ouch Sound No sound Low sound level Low sound quality Sound skips frequently during playback Pairing Pairing cannot be done One touch connection NFC Unable to connect the headset to a BLUETOOTH device with one touch connection NFC BLUETOOTH connection Unable to make a BLUETOOTH connection Distorted sound The correspondence distance is short Sound skips The headset does not operate properly Phone c...

Page 18: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Before first use Read this first View the type of manuals supplied and support information 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 10 ...

Page 19: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Features What you can do with the headset Check out the main features 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 11 ...

Page 20: ...d function of parts View the names of buttons connections and indicators on the headset BLUETOOTH function indicator You can check the BLUETOOTH connection status of the headset by the indicators 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 12 ...

Page 21: ...s Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Supplied accessories List of the included items Check that all items are packed with the headset before use 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 13 ...

Page 22: ...ia USB connection Charging the headset You can charge the headset using the micro USB cable supplied Available operating time See the operating time available with a fully charged battery Checking the remaining battery charge You can check the remaining battery charge of the rechargeable battery 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 14 ...

Page 23: ...with the BLUETOOTH function Check out the headset operations available with the BLUETOOTH connection How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices Learn about how to make a BLUETOOTH connection 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 15 ...

Page 24: ...Android 2 3 3 or later and less than Android 4 1 By touching the headset with an NFC compatible smartphone running the Android OS mentioned above the headset turns on automatically and then pairs and makes a BLUETOOTH connection Disconnecting the smartphone by one touch NFC You can disconnect the headset from the connected smartphone by touching the headset with it Switching the device by one touc...

Page 25: ...roid smartphone You can register pair an Android smartphone and the headset with each other and make a BLUETOOTH connection Connecting to a paired Android smartphone You can connect the headset with an Android smartphone that is already paired with the headset 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 17 ...

Page 26: ...iPhone You can register pair an iPhone and the headset with each other and make a BLUETOOTH connection Connecting to a paired iPhone You can connect the headset with an iPhone that is already paired with the headset 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 18 ...

Page 27: You can register pair a BLUETOOTH device and the headset with each other and make a BLUETOOTH connection Connecting to a paired BLUETOOTH device You can connect the headset with a BLUETOOTH device that is already paired with the headset 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 19 ...

Page 28: ...ETOOTH music player Connecting the headset to 2 Android smartphones You can connect 2 smartphones to the headset one for listening to music and the other for making phone calls Connecting the headset to an Android smartphone and an iPhone You can connect an Android smartphone and an iPhone to the headset simultaneously to use different functions on those devices 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony ...

Page 29: ...0BT Headphone cable connection Using the supplied headphone cable You can use the headset as ordinary wired headphones by connecting the supplied headphone cable 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 21 ...

Page 30: ...ning to music from a BLUETOOTH device wirelessly via a BLUETOOTH connection Controlling the audio device BLUETOOTH connection You can control music playback via a BLUETOOTH connection Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection after use After use disconnect the headset from the BLUETOOTH device 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 22 ...

Page 31: ...nction Electro Bass Booster function Adjust the bass with the Electro Bass Booster function Using the Electro Bass Booster function You can turn on or off the Electro Bass Booster function 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 23 ...

Page 32: ...hing the sound quality mode You can select the sound quality mode when you turn on the headset Checking the sound quality mode You can check the current sound quality mode for music playback 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 24 ...

Page 33: ...You can make a call with a smartphone or mobile phone using the headset by the hands free function Button functions for a phone call You can operate the smartphone or mobile phone by the headset via a BLUETOOTH connection Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection after use After use disconnect the headset from the BLUETOOTH device 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 25 ...

Page 34: ...utions Precautions Precautions to use the headset such as where to use handling maintenance What is BLUETOOTH wireless technology Learn about BLUETOOTH wireless technology 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 26 ...

Page 35: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Trademarks Trademarks List of the licenses and trademarks 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 27 ...

Page 36: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Support website Customer support websites URLs of the customer support websites 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 28 ...

Page 37: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Troubleshooting What can I do to solve a problem 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 29 ...

Page 38: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Power The headset is not turned on 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 30 ...

Page 39: ...e done Charging time is too long The headset cannot be recognized by a computer The remaining battery charge of the headset is not displayed on the screen of an iPhone iPad or iPod touch 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 31 ...

Page 40: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Sound No sound Low sound level Low sound quality Sound skips frequently during playback 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 32 ...

Page 41: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Pairing Pairing cannot be done 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 33 ...

Page 42: ...Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT One touch connection NFC Unable to connect the headset to a BLUETOOTH device with one touch connection NFC 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 34 ...

Page 43: ...BLUETOOTH connection Unable to make a BLUETOOTH connection Distorted sound The correspondence distance is short Sound skips The headset does not operate properly 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 35 ...

Page 44: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Phone calls No voice from callers Low voice from callers 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 36 ...

Page 45: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Resetting or initializing the headset Resetting the headset Initializing the headset 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 37 ...

Page 46: ...tings and basic operations Reference Guide This includes information about using your headset safely and specifications of your headset For information about the customer support Web site access http www sony net About battery charging Charge the headset before you use it for the first time Related Topic Charging the headset 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 38 ...

Page 47: ...l bass Earpads for delivering direct sound with comfort to the ears Comfortable head cushion Comfortable stable fit for punchy deep bass Inward axis structure Swivels flat for easy portability USB charging Headphone cable included for passive operation BLUETOOTH ver 3 0 SBC AAC and aptX compatible Approx 20 hours of play time with 4 hours of charging Compatible with multi pairing and multi point c...

Page 48: is built into the headset 4 Headband 5 right unit 6 N mark 7 Indicator blue red Lights up in red or blue to indicate the power or communication status of the headset 8 POWER button 9 BASS BOOST indicator orange Lights up when the Electro Bass Booster function is turned on 10 BASS BOOST button Turns on or off the Electro Bass Booster function Help Guide How to Use 40 ...

Page 49: insert the plug of the music player until it clicks Otherwise you may not hear the sound normally 13 Microphone Picks up the sound of your voice when talking on the phone 14 Jog switch Controls various call and playback functions 15 VOL volume buttons The button has a tactile dot Related Topic BLUETOOTH function indicator Checking the remaining battery charge 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony...

Page 50: ... off Pairing mode Connectable Connecting Connected HFP HSP or A2DP Connected HFP HSP and A2DP Playing music or during a call HFP HSP or A2DP Playing music or during a call HFP HSP and A2DP Incoming call Hint When the remaining battery charge becomes low the indicator turns from blue to red except for pairing mode 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 42 ...

Page 51: ...s are missing contact your dealer Numbers in indicate the item amount Wireless Stereo Headset 1 Micro USB cable approx 50 cm 19 3 4 in 1 Headphone cable approx 1 2 m 47 1 4 in 1 Reference Guide 1 Quick Start Guide 1 Other documents 1 set May not be supplied in some countries or regions 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 43 ...

Page 52: ...rating systems and USB port When using Windows Windows 8 1 Windows 8 1 Pro Windows 8 Windows 8 Pro Windows 7 Home Basic Home Premium Professional Ultimate Windows Vista Service Pack 2 or later Home Basic Home Premium Business Ultimate When using Mac Mac OS X version 10 3 or later Note Sony does not guarantee proper operation in all system environments When using Windows 8 1 update using Windows Up...

Page 53: ...e range If the problem persists consult your nearest Sony dealer Ambient temperature exceeds the charging temperature range of 5 C 35 C 41 F 95 F There is a problem with the battery If the headset is not used for a long time the indicator red may not light up when you connect the micro USB cable to charge the headset In this case do not disconnect the micro USB cable from the headset and wait unti...

Page 54: into hibernation mode Charge the headset again in this case Use the supplied micro USB cable only and connect directly to a computer Charging will not be completed properly by an indirect connection such as via a USB hub Hint You can use the headset by connecting the supplied headphone cable even while charging the headset If charging starts while the headset is turned on the headset will turn ...

Page 55: ...Music playback time Max 20 hours SBC AAC Max 20 hours aptX Communication time Max 20 hours Standby time Max 200 hours About 7 hours of continuous communications is possible after 1 hour charging Note Usage hours may be shorter depending on the Codec and the conditions of use 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 47 ...

Page 56: ... to flash and show the remaining battery charge 3 times High 2 times Medium 1 time Low needs to charge When the battery is almost empty The indicator turns red When the battery becomes empty the headset sounds a warning beep and turns off automatically When you are using an iPhone iPad or iPod touch When the headset is connected to an iPhone iPad or iPod touch iOS 5 0 or later that supports HFP Ha...

Page 57: ...ium D Low needs to charge Note If you connect the headset to an iPhone iPad or iPod touch with Media audio A2DP only in a multi point connection the remaining battery charge will not be displayed correctly 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation 49 ...

Page 58: ...make phone calls wirelessly Listening to music You can receive audio signals from a smartphone mobile phone or music player to enjoy music wirelessly Talking on the phone You can make and receive a call with your hands free while leaving your smartphone or mobile phone in your bag or pocket 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 50 ...

Page 59: ... Android 3 x NFC NFC Near Field Communication is a technology enabling short range wireless communication between various devices such as smartphones and IC tags Thanks to the NFC function data communication for example BLUETOOTH pairing can be achieved easily by simply touching NFC compatible devices together i e at the N Mark symbol or location designated on each device Connecting to a device th...

Page 60: ...r example BLUETOOTH pairing can be achieved easily by simply touching NFC compatible devices together i e at the N Mark symbol or location designated on each device 1 Unlock the screen of the smartphone 2 Set the NFC function of the smartphone to on 3 Touch the headset with the smartphone Confirm that the screen of the smartphone is unlocked Touch the smartphone on the N marked part of the headset...

Page 61: ...s in a case remove the case If you touch an NFC compatible smartphone with the headset the smartphone terminates BLUETOOTH connection with any current device and connects to the headset One touch connection switching Related Topic How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices Disconnecting the smartphone by one touch NFC Switching the device by one touch NFC Listening to music from a dev...

Page 62: ...TOOTH pairing can be achieved easily by simply touching NFC compatible devices together i e at the N Mark symbol or location designated on each device 1 Unlock the screen of the smartphone 2 Set the NFC function of the smartphone to on 3 Download and install the app NFC Easy Connect If you have already downloaded the app proceed to step 4 NFC Easy Connect is a free Android app you can download fro...

Page 63: ...onnect a paired smartphone perform steps 4 and 5 Hint If you cannot connect the headset try the following Start the app NFC Easy Connect on the smartphone and move the smartphone slowly over the N marked part of the headset If the smartphone is in a case remove the case Make sure that the app NFC Easy Connect screen is displayed on the smartphone If you touch an NFC compatible smartphone with the ...

Page 64: ... the app NFC Easy Connect 2 Touch the headset with the smartphone Touch the smartphone on the N marked part of the headset Note After the headset is disconnected from the smartphone if no operation is performed for about 5 minutes the headset turns off automatically To turn off the headset before that press and hold the POWER button for about 2 seconds The indicator blue goes off and the headset t...

Page 65: ...e phone connected to the headset you cannot switch the BLUETOOTH connection by one touch When the headset is connected with an NFC compatible smartphone if you touch the smartphone on another NFC compatible BLUETOOTH headset or BLUETOOTH speaker the smartphone disconnects from the headset and connects to the BLUETOOTH device it touched Note Unlock the screen of the smartphone beforehand If you ins...

Page 66: ...ode on this headset When you pair the headset with a device for the first time after you bought it or after you initialized the headset the headset has no pairing information press and hold the POWER button for about 2 seconds when the headset is turned off The headset enters pairing mode automatically When you pair a 2nd or subsequent device the headset has pairing information for other devices p...

Page 67: ...pairing mode will be canceled and the headset will turn off In this case start over from step 1 Once BLUETOOTH devices are paired there is no need to pair them again except in the following cases Pairing information has been deleted after repair etc The headset is already paired with 8 devices and another device is to be paired The headset can be paired with up to 8 devices If a new device is pair...

Page 68: ...s supplied with your Android smartphone To delete all pairing information see Initializing the headset Related Topic How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices Connecting to a paired Android smartphone Listening to music from a device connected via BLUETOOTH Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection after use Initializing the headset 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation 60 ...

Page 69: and hold the POWER button for about 2 seconds Make sure that the indicator blue flashes after you release the button Check the connection status on the Android smartphone If not connected proceed to step 3 3 Search for this headset on the smartphone i Select Setting Bluetooth ii Touch next to Bluetooth iii Touch Bluetooth Help Guide How to Use 61 ...

Page 70: ...ssing the button Note If the headset tries to make a connection with a previously connected BLUETOOTH device you may not be able to connect to the device you want to If connection fails terminate the BLUETOOTH connection from the device that was previously connected Related Topic How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices Pairing and connecting with an Android smartphone Listening to ...

Page 71: mode on this headset When you pair the headset with a device for the first time after you bought it or after you initialized the headset the headset has no pairing information press and hold the POWER button for about 2 seconds when the headset is turned off The headset enters pairing mode automatically When you pair a 2nd or subsequent device the headset has pairing information for other devic...

Page 72: ...r them again except in the following cases Pairing information has been deleted after repair etc The headset is already paired with 8 devices and another device is to be paired The headset can be paired with up to 8 devices If a new device is paired after 8 devices are already paired the paired device with the oldest connection time is replaced by the new one When the pairing information for the h...

Page 73: ...l pairing information see Initializing the headset Related Topic How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices Connecting to a paired iPhone Listening to music from a device connected via BLUETOOTH Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection after use Initializing the headset 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation 65 ...

Page 74: ...ess and hold the POWER button for about 2 seconds Make sure that the indicator blue flashes after you release the button Check the connection status on the iPhone If not connected proceed to step 3 3 Search for this headset on the iPhone i Select Settings ii Touch Bluetooth iii Touch to change it to Help Guide How to Use 66 ...

Page 75: ...ressing the button Note If the headset tries to make a connection with a previously connected BLUETOOTH device you may not be able to connect to the device you want to If connection fails terminate the BLUETOOTH connection from the device that was previously connected Related Topic How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices Pairing and connecting with an iPhone Listening to music from...

Page 76: ... initialized the headset the headset has no pairing information press and hold the POWER button for about 2 seconds when the headset is turned off The headset enters pairing mode automatically When you pair a 2nd or subsequent device the headset has pairing information for other devices press and hold the POWER button for about 7 seconds Make sure that the indicator flashes blue and red alternatel...

Page 77: ... The headset is already paired with 8 devices and another device is to be paired The headset can be paired with up to 8 devices If a new device is paired after 8 devices are already paired the paired device with the oldest connection time is replaced by the new one When the pairing information for the headset has been deleted from the BLUETOOTH device When the headset is initialized all pairing in...

Page 78: ...H device Hint The above procedure is an example For details refer to the operating instructions supplied with your BLUETOOTH device If the BLUETOOTH device was connected with the headset the last time an HFP HSP connection is made when you turn on the headset While the headset is on you can make an A2DP connection music playback by pressing the button Note If the headset tries to make a connection...

Page 79: ...tions to BLUETOOTH devices Pairing and connecting with other BLUETOOTH devices Listening to music from a device connected via BLUETOOTH Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection after use 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation 71 ...

Page 80: ...tween the headset and the BLUETOOTH music player 3 Make an HFP or HSP BLUETOOTH connection between the headset and the BLUETOOTH smartphone or mobile phone Note If the smartphone or mobile phone was connected with the headset the last time an HFP or HSP connection is made automatically when you turn on the headset At the same time an A2DP connection may also be made automatically If this happens d...

Page 81: with both smartphones respectively 2 Use one of the smartphones to establish a BLUETOOTH connection with the headset 3 On the smartphone connected to the headset uncheck either Phone audio HFP or Media audio A2DP Example To connect Media audio A2DP only Touch Settings Bluetooth the setting icon next to MDR XB950BT On the Paired Bluetooth device screen uncheck Phone audio 4 Terminate the BLUETOO...

Page 82: ...ected to the headset with only one function enabled Hint The above procedure is an example For details refer to the operating instructions supplied with your Android smartphones 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation 74 ...

Page 83: ...en connect the iPhone You cannot set the iPhone to connect one function only 1 Pair the headset with both Android smartphone and iPhone respectively 2 Use the Android smartphone to establish a BLUETOOTH connection with the headset 3 On the Android smartphone connected to the headset uncheck either Phone audio HFP or Media audio A2DP Example To connect Media audio A2DP only Touch Settings Bluetooth...

Page 84: ...e operating instructions supplied with your Android smartphone Note If you connect an Android smartphone with Phone audio HFP the remaining battery charge of the headset will not be displayed correctly on an iPhone 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation 76 ...

Page 85: ...the playback device Use the supplied headphone cable only Make sure you insert the plug firmly The BLUETOOTH and Electro Bass Booster functions cannot be used The jog switch and VOL buttons cannot be used Hint When an incoming call arrives a ring tone will be heard via the headphones Answer the call using your smartphone or mobile phone and talk using the microphone of the phone You can hear the v...

Page 86: ...Refer to the operating instructions supplied with your BLUETOOTH device 1 Connect the headset to a BLUETOOTH device 2 Wear the headset Adjust the length of the headband Put the headset with indication on your left ear and indication on your right ear The unit of the headset has a tactile dot A Tactile dot 3 Play back music or video on the BLUETOOTH device Adjust the volume on the BLUETOOTH device ...

Page 87: ... the audio output setting on the BLUETOOTH device Related Topic How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices Controlling the audio device BLUETOOTH connection Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection after use Using the Electro Bass Booster function Switching the sound quality mode 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation 79 ...

Page 88: ... playback Press and hold for 2 seconds during playback to stop Press once during playback to pause Press once to skip to the previous next song Press and hold to fast reverse fast forward VOL Press the or button to adjust the volume Note If the communication condition is poor the BLUETOOTH device may react incorrectly to the operation on the headset The available functions may vary depending on th...

Page 89: ...If using a device that does not support one touch connection NFC operate from the BLUETOOTH device Press and hold the POWER button on the headset for about 2 seconds to turn off the headset Turn off the BLUETOOTH device Hint When you finish playing music the BLUETOOTH connection may terminate automatically depending on the BLUETOOTH device Related Topic Disconnecting the smartphone by one touch NF...

Page 90: ...he Electro Bass Booster function enhances low frequencies You can turn on or off the Electro Bass Booster function simply by pressing a button Related Topic Using the Electro Bass Booster function 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 82 ...

Page 91: ...n Note Since the function amplifies certain low frequencies the effect may not be obtained with music that does not contain the frequencies to be amplified The indicator turns on or off when the Electro Bass Booster function is turned on or off However no operation sounds are emitted The on or off status of the Electro Bass Booster function remains and will be the same when you turn on the headset...

Page 92: ...lected It switches from Priority on stable connection mode to Standard mode It switches from Standard mode to Priority on sound quality mode If you turn on the headset while holding the VOL button down a mode with more priority placed on communications is selected It switches from Priority on sound quality mode to Standard mode It switches from Standard mode to Priority on stable connection mode N...

Page 93: ...Related Topic Checking the sound quality mode 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation 85 ...

Page 94: ...nit is turned on hold the POWER button down and press the VOL or VOL button within about 2 seconds before the headset turns off The current sound quality mode will be shown by the number of flashes of the indicator blue Priority on sound quality mode the indicator blue flashes 3 times SBC high quality AAC or aptX is selected automatically Standard mode the indicator blue flashes twice SBC high qua...

Page 95: or mobile phone Ring tone set on the smartphone or mobile phone only for a BLUETOOTH connection 1 Connect the headset to a smartphone or mobile phone beforehand 2 When you hear a ring tone press the call button on the headset and receive the call When an incoming call arrives even while you are listening to music playback pauses and a ring tone will be heard from the headset If no ring tone is...

Page 96: ...ion switch the call device to the headset by holding the call button down for about 2 seconds or by using your smartphone or mobile phone If you adjust the volume on the headset when not talking the playback volume is adjusted Volume for a call and listening to music can be adjusted independently Even if you change the volume while playing back music the volume of a call does not change Related To...

Page 97: listening to music playback pauses If no dial tone is heard via the headset switch the call device to the headset using your smartphone or mobile phone or by holding the call button down for about 2 seconds 3 Press the VOL or VOL button to adjust the volume 4 To end the call press the call button on the headset again If you make a call while you are listening to music playback will resume when ...

Page 98: ... Topic How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection after use Receiving a call Button functions for a phone call 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation 90 ...

Page 99: ...ds to change the call device between the headset and the smartphone or mobile phone Incoming call Press the button once to answer a call Press and hold the button for about 2 seconds to reject a call During call Press the button once to finish a call Press and hold the button for about 2 seconds to change the call device between the headset and the smartphone or mobile phone Supported profile HSP ...

Page 100: ...affect your hearing For traffic safety do not use this headset while driving or cycling Do not put weight or pressure on this headset as it may cause the headset to deform during long storage Do not subject the headset to excessive shock Clean the headset with a soft dry cloth Do not expose the headset to water The headset is not waterproof Remember to follow the precautions below Be careful not t...

Page 101: ...ion Ver 3 0 Compatible BLUETOOTH profiles A2DP Advanced Audio Distribution Profile Transmitting or receiving audio content of high quality AVRCP Audio Video Remote Control Profile Controlling A V equipment pausing stopping starting playback etc HSP Headset Profile Talking on the phone Operating the phone HFP Hands free Profile Talking on the phone Operating the phone by hands free When you use a B...

Page 102: ...ightly delayed from the sound played on the BLUETOOTH device during talking on the telephone or listening to the music This unit supports security capabilities that comply with the BLUETOOTH standard to provide a secure connection when the BLUETOOTH wireless technology is used but security may not be enough depending on the setting Be careful when communicating using BLUETOOTH wireless technology ...

Page 103: ...demarks of Apple Inc registered in the U S and other countries Microsoft Windows and Windows Vista are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and or other countries Mac and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc registered in the U S and other countries The aptX mark and the aptX logo are trade marks of CSR plc or one of its group companies and may be registe...

Page 104: ...information about your headset For customers in the U S A http esupport sony com For customers in Canada http esupport sony com CA For customers in European countries https www sony europe com For customers in other countries regions http www sony asia com 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide How to Use 96 ...

Page 105: ...tialize the headset This operation resets volume settings etc and deletes all pairing information Look up information on the issue on the customer support website If the operations above do not work consult your nearest Sony dealer Location of the serial number label A Serial number label B Earpad To attach the earpads 1 Align the projection in the groove on the main part with the notch on the ear...

Page 106: ...the main part and the earpad Keep metal objects away as they may stick to the speakers in the headset Related Topic Charging the headset Customer support websites Resetting the headset Initializing the headset 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation 98 ...

Page 107: ...eadset The headset cannot be turned on while charging the battery Remove the micro USB cable from the headset and then turn on the headset again Related Topic Charging the headset Checking the remaining battery charge 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 99 ...

Page 108: USB cable is connected to the headset and the computer firmly Check that the computer is turned on Check that the computer is not in standby sleep or hibernation mode When using Windows 8 1 update using Windows Update Related Topic Charging the headset 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 100 ...

Page 109: ... XB950BT Charging time is too long Check that the headset and the computer are directly connected not via a USB hub Related Topic Charging the headset 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 101 ...

Page 110: ...icro USB cable again Check that the headset and the computer are directly connected not via a USB hub A problem may have occurred with the connected USB port of the computer Connect to another USB port if it is available Try the USB connection procedure again in cases other than those stated above 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 102 ...

Page 111: ...ttery charge is shown only on the screen of an iPhone iPad or iPod touch iOS 5 0 or later that supports HFP Hands free Profile Make sure that the iPhone iPad or iPod touch is connected with HFP Hands free Profile Otherwise the remaining battery charge will not be displayed correctly 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 103 ...

Page 112: ...ce Check that the connected device is playing back If you are connecting a computer to the headset make sure the audio output setting of the computer is set for a BLUETOOTH device Pair the headset and the BLUETOOTH device again Check that the headphone cable is connected firmly Related Topic How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices Using the supplied headphone cable Listening to mus...

Page 113: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Low sound level Turn up the volume of the headset and the connected device 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 105 ...

Page 114: ...device and check that you can listen to the broadcasts satisfactorily If you have previously connected the headset to this BLUETOOTH device only an HFP HSP BLUETOOTH connection may be made when the headset is turned on If this happens use the BLUETOOTH device and make an A2DP BLUETOOTH connection When you listen to music from a computer on the headset sound quality may be poor for the first few se...

Page 115: ... Location of the built in antenna BLUETOOTH communications may be disabled or noise or audio dropout may occur under the following conditions There is a human body between the headset and the BLUETOOTH device This situation may be improved by placing the BLUETOOTH device facing the antenna of the headset There is an obstacle such as metal or wall between the headset and the BLUETOOTH device A devi...

Page 116: ...nd hold the POWER button of the headset for about 7 seconds to enter pairing mode When you pair the headset with devices again after initializing or repairing the headset information for pairing with the headset remaining on the iPhone or other device may prevent you from pairing them successfully In this case delete the pairing information of the headset from the device and then pair them again R...

Page 117: ...set with a smartphone by one touch connect it to the headset by on screen operation on the smartphone You cannot make a one touch connection NFC while charging the battery because the headset cannot be turned on Finish charging first and then make the one touch connection NFC You cannot make a one touch connection NFC when the headphone cable is connected to the INPUT jack Remove the headphone cab...

Page 118: ... may not be memorized on the headset Make a BLUETOOTH connection from the BLUETOOTH device to the headset soon after pairing is complete The BLUETOOTH device is in sleep mode The BLUETOOTH connection is terminated Make the BLUETOOTH connection again Related Topic BLUETOOTH function indicator How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help...

Page 119: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Distorted sound Keep the headset away from a microwave oven Wi Fi etc 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 111 ...

Page 120: ...cations may be disabled or noise or audio dropout may occur under the following conditions There is a human body between the headset and the BLUETOOTH device This situation may be improved by placing the BLUETOOTH device facing the antenna of the headset There is an obstacle such as metal or wall between the headset and the BLUETOOTH device A device using 2 4 GHz frequency such as a Wi Fi device c...

Page 121: ... the headset Pairing information is not deleted by this operation If you cannot use the headset even after resetting it initialize the headset Related Topic Resetting the headset Initializing the headset 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 113 ...

Page 122: ...of the BLUETOOTH device is set for the headset Select an HFP or HSP BLUETOOTH connection by operating the BLUETOOTH device If you are listening to music using the headset stop playback press the button on the headset and talk Related Topic How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices Receiving a call Making a call 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting...

Page 123: ...Wireless Stereo Headset MDR XB950BT Low voice from callers Turn up the volume of the headset and the connected device 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 115 ...

Page 124: ...en when it is turned on set the headset in charging status then press the POWER and BASS BOOST buttons simultaneously The headset is reset and turns off After resetting the headset turn it on If it does not turn on consult your nearest Sony dealer 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 116 ...

Page 125: then press and hold the POWER and buttons simultaneously for more than 7 seconds The indicator blue flashes 4 times and the headset is reset to the factory settings All pairing information is deleted 4 546 438 11 1 Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation Help Guide Troubleshooting 117 ...

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