ABC Icon:
This is the automatic link to Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Preferred Voice to Print Software. After the Dragon Software has
been installed, a dictation can be automatically converted into text.
The user highlights a dictation that is either on the recorder side of
the GUI or on the PC hard disk drive and then clicks on the ABC
icon. The dictation will be automatically converted to a standard
.wav file and loaded into the Dragon NaturallySpeaking software
and converted into text.
This section provides the listener with information on the current dictation
being listened to.
No. …………….the number of the dictation in the selected file
User Name……. name of the user who’s recording the dictation is
Msg Name………message name if entered
Rec Date………..date of the recording
Length…………..in Hours, Minutes and Seconds
Play Time Indicator (Upper Right Corner)
shows how much of the total dictation has been played.
This time counter is also synchronized with the Playback
Slider on the lower right hand portion of the Player Pane