File Name: ICD-P17_001_A_001_Stephen Teplansky_2003_04_09_03_52.dvf
ICD-P17……………. .the model of the recorder
001………………….…the number of the file folder
A………………………the letter of the file folder
Stephen Teplansky….the name of the user of the recorder
2003………………..…the year the recording took place
04…………………..…the month the recording took place
09…………………..…the date the recording took place
03………………..……the hour the recording took place [3:00 AM]
52………………..……the minute the recording took place
.dvf…………………....the file format the dictation was recorded in.
File Name: ICD-ST10_001_A_001_Stephen Teplansky_ST_2003_04_09_12_54.dvf
ICD-ST10………….. .the model of the recorder
001……………………the number of file folder on the recorder
A………………………the letter of the file folder
001……………………the number of the dictation in the file folder
Stephen Teplansky….the name of the user of the recorder
ST……………………..the recording mode [ST, SP or LP]
2003…………………..the year the recording was made
04……………………..the month the recording was made
09……………………..the date the recording was made
12……………………..the hour the recording was made [12:00 noon]
54……………………..the minute the recording was made
.dvf……………………the file format the dictation was recorded in
File Size:
Depending on the recorder, the size of a recorded file will be
different. The advantage of the .msv and .dvf formats is that they are
approximately 1/10
the size of a standard .wav file. This consumes less
space on the recorder, maximizes recording time and speeds the
transmission time.
5 Min
60 Min
File Size: .wav 6627KB
79,524KB (79.5 MB)
.msv 595KB
7,140KB (7.1MB)
.dvf 595KB 7,140KB (7.1MB)