Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 2
2-7 Input and Output Settings for Video and
Audio Signals (Submenu) ................................. 2-24
2-7-1 Making Settings in the Audio Settings
Pages ................................................. 2-24
2-7-2 Making Settings in the Audio Settings
Subpages ........................................... 2-26
2-7-3 Making Settings in the Video Settings
Pages ................................................. 2-29
2-8 General Settings Pages of the Submenu ......... 2-32
Chapter 3
3-1 Selecting an Edit Mode ...................................... 3-1
3-1-1 Assemble Editing ................................ 3-1
3-1-2 Insert Editing ....................................... 3-2
3-2 Finding Edit Points — Search ........................... 3-3
3-3 Setting Edit Points .............................................. 3-5
3-3-1 Setting Edit Points ............................... 3-5
3-3-2 Checking Edit Points ........................... 3-6
3-3-3 Cueing Up Edit Points ......................... 3-6
3-3-4 Previewing Edit Results ...................... 3-7
3-3-5 Modifying Edit Points ......................... 3-8
3-3-6 Setting Edit Points Using the Recorder
Unit Only ............................................. 3-9
3-4 Executing an Edit ............................................. 3-10
3-4-1 Outline of Editing Operations ........... 3-10
3-4-2 Starting an Edit .................................. 3-11
3-4-3 Redoing an Edit ................................. 3-12
3-4-4 Displaying the Results of Editing ..... 3-12
3-5 DMC Editing ..................................................... 3-14
3-5-1 Overview of DMC Editing ................ 3-14
3-5-2 Setting Edit Points and Playback
Speeds ............................................... 3-15
3-5-3 Executing DMC editing .................... 3-16
3-6 Preread Editing ................................................. 3-17
3-7 Special Editing .................................................. 3-19
3-7-1 Quick Editing .................................... 3-19
3-7-2 Continuous Editing ........................... 3-20
3-7-3 Manual Editing .................................. 3-21