Developing RAW images (Image Data
With Image Data Converter. you can do the following:
• You can play back and edit images recorded in RAW formal with various
corrections. such as tone curve and sharpness.
• You can adjust images with white balance, exposure. and [Creative
Style], etc.
• You can save the images displayed and edited on a computer.
You can either save the image as RAW format or save il in a general file
• You can display and co111pare the RAW i111ages and JPEG i111ages
recorded by this camera.
• You can rank images in 5 grades.
• You can apply color labels.
Installing Image Data Converter
Using the Internet browser on your computer, go to the following
URL, and then follow the instructions on the screen to download
Image Data Converter.
h llp :// p/ids-se/
• An Internet connection is required.
• For details on operation. refer to the following l111age Data Convener
suppo11 page (English only):
ht l p :// plids-se/
• You can also check the details fro111 "Help" in the menu bar of l111age
Data Converter.
Checking the supplied items
The nu111ber in parentheses indicates the number of pieces.
• Camera ( I J
• Body cap (I) (Attached on the
• AC Adaptor (I)
The shape of !he AC Adaptor may
differ depending on the country/
• Battery charger BC-VWI (I)
• Power cord (mains lead) (I)* (nol
supplied in the U.S.A. and
• Cable protector ( I )
For how to auach the cable protector
to the camera. refer to page 22.
Multiple power may be supplied
with your camera. Use the appropriate
one that matches your country/region.
• Rechargeable battery pack NP
FW50 (2)
• Micro USB cable ( I J
• Shoulder strap (I)
For how to attach the shoulder strap to
the camera. refer to page 22.
• Shoe cap (I) (Attached on the
• Eyepiece Cup ( I J (Allached on
the ca111cra)
• Instruction Manual {I) (this
• Wi-Fi Connection/One-touch
{NFC) Guide ( I J
This guide explains the functions that
require a Wi-Fi connection.
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