No compensation for damaged
content or recording failure
Sony c..·,111 prO\
idc no guarantees in the
event of failure 10 record or loss or damage
of recorded images or audio dala due to a
malfunction of the camera or recording
media. etc. \Ve recommend barking up
important data.
Shooting with an E-mount lens
compatible APS-C size
This cr.imt:ra is equipped with a 35 mm.
full-frami.: CMOS image sensor. However.
the imagc size is automatically set to that of
the APS-C size setting and the image size is
smalkr when an E-mount lens compatible
APS-C sii'.c is used (ddault scuings). When
recording 4K movies. tht: recorded image
size is locked to full-frame. Thus. if you use
an E-molmt kns compatible with lhc APS
C size. the edges of the screen m;.1y appear
dark. Be c,ircful when recording -iK
Notes on the monitor, electronic
viewfinder, lens, and image sensor
Thi..: monitor mid clcr.:tronii.: vii..:wfindcr
are 111anufai..:turcd using cxtrcmdy high
prcr.:ision li..:chnology. and over 99.99%
of the pixels arc operational fur r.:ffi..:r.:tivc
there may be some small
blar.:k dots and/or hright dols (whiti..:. red.
blue or green in L·olor) 1ha1 r.:onstantly
appl.!ar on the monitor and dcr.:troniL·
viewfimJcr. These dots arc normal due to
the 111am1focturing process an<l du not
affecl lhc images in any way.
Do not hold the c.:amera by the monitor.
\Vhcn using the power zoom kns. be
careful not to get your fingers or any
other t)bjccts r.:nught in the lcn�.
Do not i..:xpose the camera tn a strong
light suurr.:i..: sur.:h as a sunlight. The
intl.!nwl r.:omponents may becomr.:
Notes on using your camera
Do not look at sunlight or a strong light
source through the 1cm when ii is
delachcd. This may result in
unrecoverable damage to the eyes or
cause a malfunction.
Do not use.: the camaa in areas where
strong radio waves or radiation arc. being
cmi1tcd. Ri..:L·ording and pl,1yback may not
function comxtly.
Images may trail across on the screen in a
cold location. This is not a malfunction.
\Vhcn lllrning on the c.1111era in a r.:old
location. the sr.:rr.::cn may het.:ome
temporarily dark. When the camera
warms up. the screen will function
The rcL·or<lcd image may he different
from thr.:: image you monitored before
Notes on using the lenses and
It is rccommcndr.::d lh;ll you use Sony
lenses/accessories designed to suit thl.!
i.:haractcristics of this camaa. Using this
camera with products from other
manufacturers may :1ffcct its performance,
leading to <.IL"ddi;nts or rn;ilfunction. Sony
bears no responsibility for sui.:h acr.:idi..:nts or
Notes on the multi interlace shoe
\\,'hen attaching or dctad1ing accessories
such ;1s an external llash 10 the mu iii
interface shoe. first turn the power to
OFF. When atrnching the accessories.
tigh1c11 1he sc.:-rews all 1hc way and
confirm tlwt it is firmly fastened to the
Do not usi..: an external !lash with a high
voltage flash sync terminal or inverse
polarity. This nwy re�ult in malfurn:tion.
Controlling the camera using your
computer (Remote Camera Control)
Connect the camera to your computer. With Remote Camera Control you
• Set up the camera or record an image from the computer.
Record an image directly to the computer.
• Perform an Interval Timer Shooting.
Set up the following before use: MENU button-.
(Setup)-. [USB
Connection]-. [PC RemoteJ
Installing Remote Camera Control
Using the Internet browser on your computer, go to the following
URL, and then follow the instructions on the screen to download
Remote Camera Control.
hllp://w ww .son y m sufl/M ac/
• An Internet connection is required.
• For details on operation. refer to the Help.