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8kW Models
4kW Models
Safety Instructions
1. Switching off
The storage unit can be switched off via the display or via the main safety swtich F1, which is
in the main cabinet.
2. Batteries used
The LiFePO4 lithium-ion batteries used contain no metallic lithium.
3. Voltage
The storage system is a low-voltage system with 120/240 volt output voltage. Setting the
main safety switch F1 to OFF deactivates the storage system as an energy source. The
battery modules run on max 60 volt DC safety extra-low voltage. De-energize battery
modules before servicing.
4. Information for the fire department
Fires in the vicinity of the storage system and battery fires must be fought with conventional
extinguishing agents. Storage system and battery cell fires can generally be extinquished
with water.
5. Measures in the event of the accidental release of substances
In the event of the release of electrolytes: avoid contact with eyes and skin, leave the room
as quickly as possible, and ensure adequate ventilation if possible.
More information can be found in the manuals.
Part No. 28023 Rev 3
Part No. 1000139 Rev. 1