Powering up
Turning the system on
Risk of electric shock!
Use extreme care when turning
on the storage system. Although
the unit may be off, there is still
voltage present on the inside. Do
not touch any internal components
except when directed.
• Remove all jewelry when
turning the storage system on.
Risk of burns!
When the battery module green
LED is ON, the battery module is
capable of producing potentially
dangerous voltages.
Turning the battery modules on
Fig. 8 Battery module power button
Identify battery module with the white label #0.
Turn ON the battery system by depressing the
GREEN "Power" button on battery module
0 for 5 sec. The POWER and STATUS LED
will light up for 2 seconds, then turn off, the
POWER LED will continue to blink.
Verify all battery modules then turn on in
Wait 20 seconds before turning on system
using the main DC breaker.
If the batteries do not detect a
signal from the storage system
BMS after 10 minutes of being
turned on the batteries will power
themselves off. If this occurs, turn
the batteries back on using the
above procedure and ensure the
storage unit is turned on.
Turning the storage unit on
The main DC circuit breaker F1 and the button
switch S1 are located in the interior of the main
Fig. 9 Pre-charge switch and circuit breaker
(1) Pre-charge Switch (S1)
(2) Main circuit breaker (F1)
Damage of the storage system by
high currents!
High currents can damage
components of the storage system
if the process is not followed
Turn on the storage system only
according to the steps below.
1. If an emergency switch is installed, ensure it
is not activated.
2. Depress button S1 for at least 7 seconds and
keep it pressed for the next step.
3. When an audible click is heard, flip on main
circuit breaker F1 of the main cabinet.
4. Release switch S1.