History view
Fig. 14 History view
This display is the most informative and provides
a visual indication of PV production, consumption,
battery charge, battery discharge and state of
charge. For the first time, homeowners will now
have a complete picture of their consumption
habits and be able to change them. This display
yields the most A-ha! moments. But to get to
these moments it is important to understand how
the information is being displayed.
• Left axis - PV or consumption power measured
in watts
• Right axis - battery state of charge
• Bottom axis - time (expressed in 24 hour time)
• There are also labeled overlays associated with
each color on the graph:
• Yellow - PV production as measured by the
storage system
• Blue - amount of power sent to the loads
• Green - amount of power being used to charge
the batteries
• Red - amount of power the batteries are
discharging to meet demand
The overlays can be toggled to either show or
leave out the selected color. Click on the name
of overlay to toggle. Here is an example of all
overlays toggled off except for the PV production:
Fig. 15 History view overlays
Toggling overlays can be a valuable analysis tool.
For example, this customer might typically reach
a full state of charge around 10 a.m., however
they notice on this day that the batteries were not
fully charged until noon. By just looking at the PV
production we can see that the morning hours
were cloudy and that reduced production caused
the batteries to take a little longer to reach a full
Historical information can be displayed in four
different time periods: by day (default), week,
month or year. Here is an example of the selected
week view:
Fig. 16 History view week view
While in any of the multiple day/month/year
views, simply left click and highlight the time
frame that you would like to view on the graph, to
be able to view that section.