Recording Process Priority
Default value should be set to High or Automatic.
Disk Update Time
The default value should be set to 5000 milliseconds.
The value should be set to Checked.
Force Recording at 44.1KHz
The value should be set to Checked.
Playback Device Selection
The Playback Device Selection section of the Hardware tab controls the usage of the sound cards
in the computer during playback.
Default Speaker Device Selection
This is the sound card that will be used for playback. To listen to SoniClear playback through the
Evo 4 headphone jack, select “Main Output 1/2 (Audient EVO)”.
Removable Recording Device
The “Use Removable Device If Present” and “Automatically Set Removable Device” check
boxes should be unchecked.
Enable Live Monitoring
With the supplied hardware in the kit the Live Monitoring option should be disabled. However,
if live monitoring is desired, a separate headphone device will need to be connected to the
computer and selected in this field.
Advanced Playback Options
These options control how playback is processed. These fields should only be changed in the
event of problems with playback using the default settings. Consult SoniClear support for