After installation of the Evo 4 drivers, the presets list in this control dialog will be blank. Once the
SoniClear presets have already been saved from the main Evo 4 control window, or manually installed
into the user’s AppData folder, the SoniClear presets will be displayed in this window.
To load the downloaded SoniClear presets file, click “OR LOAD FROM FILE” and select the preset file
from the location where it was extracted from the downloaded preset zip file.
After loading the presets, adjust the microphone and headphone levels to work properly with the
teleconference software. Then use the File/Save pulldown menu selection in the main Evo 4 control
window to save the customer presets. It is important to save these customized presets so that the
SoniClear user can restore the correct settings, in case they pressed one of the setting buttons by accident.
Evo 4 Loopback Settings
The Evo 4 includes a built-in mixer that sends audio from the interface back to the computer. This makes
it possible to “loop back” audio from the computer back into another program in the computer. In this
case, the Zoom or softphone audio is sent to the Evo 4 device, and then sent back to SoniClear to be
recorded using the “Loopback Device” provided by the Evo 4 drivers.
The loopback mixer is configured properly after the supplied presets have been loaded, following the
instructions above. These settings can be observed using the Loop-back Mixer control panel. To display
this control panel, right click on the Evo 4 icon in the System Tray and select the “Show Loop-back
Mixer” option on the popup menu:
If you make changes to these settings, be aware that setting the values incorrectly may result in feedback
or echo problems with the communications software, or loss of audio for recording in SoniClear.