Wave User Manual
Version 4
Warranty and Disclaimers
Sonatest Limited guarantees your Sonatest Limited product to be free from defects in
materials and workmanship for 1 year.
The Sonatest warranty only covers equipment that has been used in a proper manner, as
described in this document and that has not been subjected to excessive abuse,
attempted unauthorised repairs, or modification.
Inspect materials thoroughly on reception for evidence of external or internal damage
that might have occurred during shipment. Immediately notify the carrier making the
delivery of any damage, since the carrier is normally liable for damage during shipment.
Retain packing materials, waybills, and other shipping documentation needed in order to
file a damage claim. After notifying the carrier, contact Sonatest Limited for assistance
with the damage claim and equipment replacement if necessary.
Disclaimer of Liability
All statements, technical information and recommendations contained in this manual or
any other information supplied by Sonatest Limited in connection with the use, features
and qualifications of the Wave are based on tests believed to be reliable, but the accuracy
or completeness thereof is not guaranteed. Before using the product, you should
determine its suitability for your intended use based on your knowledge of ultrasonic
testing and the characteristics of materials. You bear all risks in connection with the use
of the product. You are reminded that all warranties as to merchantability and fitness for
purpose are excluded from the contract under which the product and this manual have
been supplied to you. The Seller’s only obligation in th
is respect is to replace such quantity
of the product proved to be defective.
Neither the seller nor the manufacturer shall be liable either in contract or in tort for any
direct or indirect loss or damage (whether for loss of profit or otherwise), costs, expenses
or other claims for consequential or indirect compensation whatsoever (and whether
caused by the negligence of the company, its employees or agents or otherwise).