Radian Motion Sensor
User Manual
Document Ref: UM-8041-C1
Issue: C - Rev 1
© Sonardyne International Limited 2007
Section 6 "Magnetic Calibration" begins on page 29
Radian uses an internal earth magnetic field sensor, called a flux gate, to detect
the earth’s magnetic field so that it can deliver measurements of magnetic head-
The simple self-calibration procedure described section 6 allows Radian to meas-
ure and compensate for any static hard iron magnetic effects that would otherwise
introduce errors into its heading measurements.
Section 7 "Data Output Formats" begins on page 34
Section 7 describes the data output format that Radian uses to supply digital meas-
urements of heading, roll and pitch to receiving equipment.
Who should read
this manual
This manual should remain available for electronic or hard-copy access by any-
one who has any involvement with the Radian Motion Sensor. All users of the
sensor should ensure they read the relevant sections. If you have a printer connect-
ed to the computer that holds this electronic manual, you can print any part of it.
Updates to the
If necessary, contact Sonardyne International Limited to check whether you have
the latest revision of the manual, or to request printed copies. The document ref-
erence number for this manual is
and this is issue
C - Rev 1
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