Online recording tab “Recording”
To start recording data, click on the
“Start recording” button in the signal view mode (window
has a yellow background).
Online recording “Start recording”
If a problem occurs during the online recording, the data can be retrieved from the mSD card
of the device afterwards (see chapter 4.7.1).
Initialization via the device
As an alternative to the above, you can start a measurement directly on the device. When
Bluetooth is active, the data can be displayed in an online recording or with the SOMNOmedics
app on a tablet.
Input via display
Start time, recording duration and body height can be entered or changed on the screen. Use
the keys to set a higher or lower value.
Starting the measurement via the display: last or new montage
You can select whether to use the recently used montage or create a new one.
If you select
“last” montage, all channels that are recorded and their sampling rates are