Platné od: 7.3.2017
Somati system s.r.o., Jihlavská 510/2c, 664 41 Troubsko
IČ: 29260159, DIČ: CZ29260159
tel: +420 547 427 011,
Description of DIP 3 function– time of brake activation:
After power reboot or pressing keyboard button, the brake is activated for the time
3 x T2, then is released again.
After returning from alarm, EPS activates the brake and after the time 3 x T2 it also
releases the brake.
After pressing keyboard button or external button for release, brake is released
permanently if DIP2 is OFF , in case DIP2 is ON, brake is released for T2, then is
activated for time 3 x T2, and after that is released permanently.
Changes are valid for devices from 2015, which has label SLIDE-II_V2.1, older devices
(without label SLIDE-II_V2.1) do not have DIP 3 function.