Indica una situación de peligro inminente la cual, si no se evita, podría resultar en la
muerte o lesiones graves o daño a la propiedad.
1. To deflate the kayak, remove the valve cap from the valves in the kayak floor and kayak body.
2. Clean and check the kayak as well as all the accessories. Make sure the kayak is completely dry before
putting it away. Make sure that no sand nor gravel remains inside the kayak nor between the hull and the
inner chambers: this could result in abrasion or even punctures while storing the kayak.
3. Fold the 2 sides into the middle, then roll it up from the opposite end of the valves
(so remaining air can escape from the valves).
4. When storing your inflatable, keep it in a clean and dry place.
Check that the tube is fully deflated and lies flat.
1. Prepare a round patch no less than 3 inches or 7 centimeters in diameter.
2. Clean the patch and the area surrounding the leak with Alcohol.
3. To contain excess glue, use masking tape to tape off the area around the patch.
4. Apply 3 thin, even coats of repair kit adhesive to both the surface of the kayak and the patch.
Wait 5 minutes between each coat.
5. After the 3rd coat, wait 10-15 minutes before applying the patch. Use a hand roller to apply the patch
evenly. Pay special attention to the edges.
6. Wait 24 hours before re-inflating.
Whenever you take your kayak out of the water and deflate it, allow time for it to air out
and dry. Neither the skin/hull or the inside chambers will suffer from water damage,
but stagnant water could cause mildew and foul odor.
• Perform all of your repairs in a well-ventilated area.
• Avoid inhaling glue vapors.
• Avoid contact with the skin or the eyes.
• Keep all repair materials (glue, solvents, etc) away from the reach of children.
• The repairs on the welds must not be glued. Only the manufacturer of the kayak can
perform repairs on the welds themselves.
Estimado cliente:
Felicitaciones por su compra del kayak. Nos enorgullecemos en ofrecerle un producto de calidad a un
precio asequible con excelente rendimiento. Tómese el tiempo para leer todo este manual. Contiene
detalles del kayak, su equipo, e información sobre su manejo y mantenimiento. Familiarícese con este
inflable antes de usarlo en el agua para garantizar la seguridad y prevenir accidentes.