CIE-M10A User Manual Ver. 1.0
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TCP Client
In this mode, CIE-M10A acts as a TCP client. CIE-M10A sends request segments to a
remote host with information of [Peer Address] and [Peer Port]. Under situation that the
TCP server works fine with the specific port, the connection will be established. After then,
CIE-M10A converts the raw data from the serial port to TCP/IP data and sends them to the
network and vice versa.
6.2.1 Key parameters
Peer Address
This item should be an address of a remote host who is waiting requests of a TCP
Peer Port
[Peer Port] should be the port number which is designated by the remote host.
Event Byte
CIE-M10A decides the time to send request segments for the TCP connection with
this parameter.
CIE-M10A sends a request segment of the TCP connection right
after it boots up
(512 or under)
CIE-M10A sends the segment right after it received amount of
data which is set to the [Event Byte] from the serial port
Table 6-3 the operation of Event Byte 1
In addition, users can handle the serial data received before a TCP connection is
established by setting this parameter.
CIE-M10A doesn
t send the data received before a TCP
connection is established.
(512 or under)
CIE-M10A sends the data, which is received before a TCP
connection is established, right after a connection is established.
512 or under bytes are strongly recommended.
Table 6-4 the operation of Event Byte 2
If there is no data transmission for the specific time, CIE-M10A terminates the
established TCP connection.