SSL UC1 User Guide
What is SSL UC1?
UC1 is a hardware control surface that provides hands on control of SSL 360°-enabled channel strip plug-ins and the Bus
Compressor 2 plug-in. UC1 is designed to put the fun back into mixing, with a workflow that promotes muscle-memory operation
and ultimate operator confidence. At the heart of UC1 is the truly innovative Plug-in Mixer; a place to view and control your channel
strips and Bus Compressors side by side - it’s like having a virtual SSL console inside your computer.
All communication is synchronised across UC1, the plug-ins and the 360° Plug-in Mixer
SSL 360° Enabled Plug-ins
• Channel Strip 2
• 4K B
• Bus Compressor 2
• Hands on control of SSL 360°-enabled Channel Strip 2, 4K B and Bus Compressor 2 plug-ins.
• Authentic moving-coil Bus Compressor gain reduction meter, driven from the SSL Native Bus Compressor 2 plug-in.
• SSL Plug-in Mixer (hosted in SSL 360°) provides a place to view and control your channel strips and Bus Compressors, all
from one window.
• Muscle-memory operation and constant visual feedback via the smart LED rings.
• On-board display tells you which channel strip and Bus Compressor plug-in UC1 is currently focused on.
• Load plug-in Presets and change channel strip routing directly from UC1.
• Switch between 3 different DAWs that are connected to the Plug-in Mixer.
• Hi-Speed USB connection to computer.
• Powered by SSL 360° Mac and PC software.
Supported DAWs - For UC1 & The Plug-in Mixer
• Pro Tools (AAX Native)
• Logic Pro (AU)
• Cubase (VST3)
• Live (VST3)
• Studio One (VST3)
UC1 Hardware
SSL 360° Plug-in Mixer
SSL 360°-enabled plug-ins