The installer should complete the form below that describes the details of the installation. Having
this written record of installation information available will greatly expedite trouble-shooting
should any problem arise with your stove. The installer should keep a duplicate of this form for
their records.
Date Purchased: _____________________________________________________
Dealer: _____________________________________________________________
Date Installed: _______________________________________________________
Installer: ____________________________________________________________
Fireplace Model: TWENTY6
Serial Number: _______________________________________________________
Brand of Venting Used: ________________________________________________
Model # of Vent Cap Used: _____________________________________________
Fuel: (circle one) Natural Gas (NG) Propane (LP)
Was this field converted? (circle one) YES NO
Inlet Pressure (after installation): __________________________________________
Manifold Pressure (after Installation):
High Fire: _____________________ in. WC
Low Fire: ______________________ in. WC
Altitude: (feet above sea level) ___________________________________________
Was the Fireplace derated? (circle one) YES NO
If the Fireplace was derated, to what orifice size? _____________________________
Other installation notes: ________________________________________________