Module as indicated by SOLARWATT minus a to-
lerance range of 5% under STC;
(jointly “Performance Warranty”, Product Warranty and
Performance Warranty jointly “Warranty”). SOLARWATT
shall provide the End Customer with the date on which
the Solar Module was shipped from the factory imme-
diately after the End Customer’s respective request.
SOLARWATT Warranty Services
If one of the Warranty claim events indicated
in Section B or C arises during the respective
Warranty Term, SOLARWATT shall – at its own
discretion –
a. repair the Solar Module on site at the End
Custom-er‘s location,
repair the Solar Module at SOLARWATT‘s fa-
cility or that of a third party,
supply an additional Solar Module to the
End Cus-tomer or
d. exchange the Solar Module with a replace
ment module. On receipt of a replacement
module by the End Customer, the ownership
of the original Solar Module is transferred to
SOLARWATT. For replace-ment modules, the
remaining Warranty Term of the relevant So-
lar Module applies exclusively.
Insofar as the Solar Module originally supplied
by SOLARWATT was not or is no longer manufac-
tured in serial production, an equivalent module
shall be sup-plied as replacement or additional
If SOLARWATT repairs the Solar Module at
SOLARWATT’s or a third party’s facility pur-
suant to Section D.1. or supplies an equivalent
replacement module pursuant to Section D.1,
SOLARWATT will engage a carrier who will col
lect the affected Solar Module from the End
Customer’s location.
The Warranty pursuant to these Warranty Con-
ditions covers the transport costs for the ship
ment of the af-fected Solar Module, a replace-
ment or additional mod-ule as well as material
and labor costs (personnel costs for repairs) for
the Warranty service. SOLARWATT grants to the
End Customer a flat rate payment of € 150.00
per system (i.e. photovoltaic system with a single
grid connection) and Warranty claim event, plus
€ 25.00 for each affected Solar Module for the
costs of the dismounting of the affected Solar
Module and the installation of the replacement
or additional modules in total; any further costs
shall be borne solely by the End Customer. Costs
for measurements and for assessments by qua-
lified experts (e.g. if SOLARWATT rejects a War-
ranty claim event or if the End Customer cannot
conduct such measurements personally) must
be coordinated and aligned with SOLARWATT
before the End Customer incurs such costs,
otherwise these costs will not be covered by
If the End Customer asserts a Warranty claim
under these Warranty Conditions and it turns
out that there is no valid Warranty claim event,
SOLARWATT reserves the right to invoice the End
Customer for any costs incurred for the provided
Warranty services, provided that the End Custo-
mer knew or gross negligently did not know that
no valid Warranty claim event was given.
If a Warranty service of SOLARWATT is unsuc-
cessful, SOLARWATT is entitled to repeat the
same form of Warranty service or to provide a
different service, unless this is unreasonable for
the End Customer.
Exclusion of the Warranties
The Warranty does not extend to Solar Modules
that are impaired, damaged or destroyed as a
result of
being improperly stored or transported by
the End Customer or a third party,
b. not being installed or, if applicable, un
installed or reinstalled, in accordance with
the SOLARWATT as-sembly manual and the
recognized good engineer-ing practices,
being operated in a manner inconsistent
with the intended purpose and especially
the instructions for operation in the assem-
bly manual,
not being maintained properly, in particular
not in accordance with the maintenance in-
structions in the assembly manual,
being improperly modified by the End
SUBJECT TO CHANGE | © 2017 SOLARWATT GMBH | AZ-TM-PMS-0673 | REV 012 | STATUS: 08/2017 | PAGE 29