Solarflare
Server
Adapter
User
Guide
Solarflare
Adapters
on
VMware
Issue
©
Solarflare
Communications
Table
66:
Sfupdate
Options
Option
Description
‐
h
,
‐‐
help
Shows
help
for
the
available
options
and
command
line
syntax.
‐
v
,
‐‐
verbose
Verbose
output
mode.
‐
s
,
‐‐
silent
Suppress
all
output
except
errors.
Useful
for
scripting.
‐
,
‐‐
version
DIsplay
version
number
information
and
exit.
‐
i
,
‐‐
adapter=vmnicX
Specifies
the
target
adapter
when
more
than
one
adapter
is
installed
in
the
local
host.
vmnicX
=
Adapter
interface
name
or
address
(as
obtained
with
‐‐
list
).
‐‐
list
Shows
the
adapter
adapter
name
and
address
of
each
adapter
installed
in
the
local
host,
or
on
the
target
when
‐‐
computer
is
specified.
‐‐
write
Writes
the
firmware
from
the
images
embedded
in
sfupdate
.
To
use
an
external
image,
specify
‐‐
image=<filename>
in
the
command.
‐‐
write
fails
if
the
embedded
image
is
the
same
or
a
previous
version
to
that
in
the
adapter.
To
force
a
write
in
this
case,
specify
‐
‐
force
in
the
command.
‐‐
force
Force
update
of
all
firmware,
even
if
the
installed
firmware
version
is
the
same
or
more
recent.
If
required,
use
this
option
with
‐‐
write
.
‐‐
image=<filename>
Specifies
a
specific
firmware
image.
This
option
is
not
normally
required
and
is
only
necessary
if
you
need
to
provide
writing
the
sfupdate
embedded
image
file.
‐‐
ipxe
‐
image=<filename>
Install
an
image
from
the
given
file,
replacing
the
Solarflare
boot
image.
sfupdate
will
not
automatically
replace
the
image
in
subsequent
flash
updates
unless
the
‐‐
restore
‐
bootrom
option
is
used.
‐‐
restore
‐
bootrom
Replace
an
image
in
flash
with
the
standard
Solarflare
Boot
Manager
image
included
in
sfupdate.
‐
y
,
‐‐
yes
Prompts
for
user
confirmation
before
writing
the
firmware.