Solarflare
Server
Adapter
User
Guide
Solarflare
Adapters
on
Linux
Issue
©
Solarflare
Communications
rx_no_skb_drops
Number
of
packets
dropped
by
the
adapter
when
there
are
insufficient
socket
buffers
available
to
receive
packets
into.
See
also
port_rx_nodesc_drop_cnt
and
port_rx_nodesc_drops
above.
rx_nodesc_trunc
Number
of
frames
truncated
when
there
are
insufficient
descriptors
to
receive
data
into.
Truncated
packets
will
be
discarded
by
the
adapter
driver.
ptp_good_syncs
These
stats
counters
relate
to
the
mechanism
used
by
sfptpd
to
synchronize
the
system
clock
and
adapter
clock(s)
in
a
server.
For
each
synchronization
event
sfptpd
will
select
a
number
of
system
clock
times
to
be
compared
to
the
adapter
clock
time.
If
the
times
can
be
synchronized,
the
good_syncs
counter
is
incremented,
otherwise
the
bad_syncs
counter
is
incremented.
If
sfptpd
is
unable
to
synchronize
the
clocks
at
this
event,
the
sync_timeout
counter
is
incremented.
sfptpd
will
synchronize
clocks
times
per
second
‐
so
incrementing
counters
does
not
necessarily
indicate
bad
synchronization
between
local
server
clocks
and
an
external
master
clock.
ptp_fast_syncs
ptp_bad_syncs
ptp_sync_timeouts
ptp_no_time_syncs
ptp_invalid_sync_windows
ptp_undersize_sync_windows
ptp_oversize_sync_windows
ptp_rx_no_timestamp
Number
of
packets
received
for
which
a
hardware
timestamp
was
not
recovered
from
the
adapter.
ptp_tx_timestamp_packets
Number
of
packets
transmitted
for
which
the
adapter
generated
a
hardware
timestamp.
ptp_rx_timestamp_packets
Number
of
packets
received
for
which
the
adapter
generated
a
hardware
timestamp.
ptp_timestamp_packets
Total
number
of
packets
for
which
the
adapter
generated
a
hardware
timestamp.
Table
28:
Ethtool
‐
output
Field
Description