Solarflare
Server
Adapter
User
Guide
Solarflare
Adapters
on
Windows
Issue
©
Solarflare
Communications
Table
52:
Sfnet
Options
Options
Description
/Help
or
/?
or
/H
Displays
command
line
syntax
and
provides
a
description
of
each
sfnet
option.
/Version
Shows
detailed
version
information
and
exits.
/Nologo
Hides
the
version
and
copyright
message
at
startup.
/Verbose
Shows
extended
output
information
for
the
command
entered.
/Quiet
Aliases:
/Silent
Suppresses
all
output,
including
warnings
and
errors;
no
user
interaction.
You
should
query
the
completion
code
to
determine
the
outcome
of
commands
when
operating
silently.
/Log
<Filename>
Logs
output
to
the
specified
file
in
the
current
folder
or
an
existing
folder.
Specify
silent
to
suppress
simultaneous
output
to
screen,
if
required.
/Computer
<ComputerName>
Performs
the
operation
on
the
identified
remote
host.
Administrator
rights
on
the
remote
host
computer
is
required.
/Adapter
<Identifier>
Perform
the
action
on
the
identified
Solarflare
physical
or
virtual
network
adapter.
/List
Lists
all
available
Solarflare
adapters,
options
and
current
parameter
settings.
/Id
List
output
is
limited
to
one
line,
containing
the
Id
and
name,
per
adapter.
/StopOnWarning
Exit
the
utility
if
a
warning
is
output.
/Statistics
Display
adapter
statistics
and
configuration
settings
for
Solarflare
interfaces.
Table
53:
Supported
Key
Value
Parameter
Parameter
Description
ipoffload=enabled|disabled
Specify
whether
IPv4
checksum
offload
is
enabled.
tcpoffload=enabled|disabled
Specify
whether
checksum
offload
is
enabled.
Configures
and
where
applicable.
udpoffload=enabled|disabled
Specify
whether
checksum
offload
is
enabled.
Configures
and
where
applicable.
lso=enabled|disabled
Specify
whether
large
send
offload
is
enabled.
Configures
and
where
applicable.