module with
adapter cable
Possible combinations f o r the solar operation of e.GO!:
• 1 or 2 solar modules connected with the base unit via hinge (standard configuration).
• Optional additional module connected via cable adapter to the DC input socket.
• Both options above combined, 1 or 2 solar modules via hinge and the
module via cable adapter.
7. Technical data
- Nominal power of solar modules: 1.1 W (FUN), 2.2 W (MASTER), 2.4 W (PROFESSIONAL)
• Output power for operation of an external device: 1.3 / 2.5 / 4.0 W (at 5 V to 10 V output voltage and 25°C)
• Output voltage range: 4 ... 14 V (depending on adapter cable)
• Input voltage / current DC input socket: 4.5... 5.5 V / max. 1.8 A
• Charging current internal batteries: max. 1 A per battery or battery string
• Closed-circuit current in stand-by mode: 0.8 mA (with 2 AA batteries)
• Voltage range mains adapter: 90... 2 7 0 V A C , EN standard mains plug
• Ambient temperature range: 0 ... +45
C (storage), -20 ... +50°C (discharge and storage), +-10 ... +30*C (recommended
operating range)
• Max rel. humidity: 95%
• Safety class: IP52
• Quality standard / conformity / legal rules: CE, RoHS, EMV according to EN 55014
• Case materials: PC-ABS, PMIMA, Santoprene
• Dimensions: 160 x 90 x 36 mm
• Weight approx. 210 / 300 / 420 gr. without batteries (e.GO! FUN / MASTER / PROFESSIONAL incl. rubber housing
8. How to solve problems
Table 3: Problems and possible remedy
Batteries not being charged after several
hours in spite of connected mains adapter
Batteries not being charges after several
hours in spite of fully insulated solar module
No LEO shines despite attached mains
adapter or fully insulated solar module
and/or attached external device and/or
charged batteries inserted
Possible causes
Soiled batteries or faulty electronics
Cleaning battery contacts with
contact spray or alike
Exchanging batteries or getting in touch with
SOLARC's customer service for device repair
Soiled battery or hinge contacts
Solar module or faulty electronics
Max. temperature range exceeded
Soiled battery contacts
Faulty electronics
Cleaning battery contacts with contact
spray or alike
Cleaning hinge pins with contact spray or alike ,
Exchanging batteries or getting in touch with
SOLARC's customer service for device repair
The operating temperature range must be
reached (cooling down o- heating up the device)
Cleaning battery contacts with
contact spray or alike. Getting in touch with
SOLARC's customer service for device repair.
Connected consumer device cannot be
charged or operated
No charged batteries inserted and
insufficient solar insulation
Faulty contact at DC input socket or output
plug adapter
Faulty output or input cable
Faulty electronics
Inserting charged batteries or orienting the
modules towards the sun (if available). Try
connecting the mains adapter. If then working,
faulty solar module or insufficient sun. If
possible, try other plug adapter or output cable; if
working, then faulty cable or adapter. If any of
the components faulty, please get in touch with
SOLARC's customer service for device repair.
Note: At
functioning of e.GO! first remove all power sources (batteries, mains adapter) and fold solar modules, then wart at least 10 seconds
recornect e.GO!. If there is no normal function then, go on as described above.
T i p s and notes
> Efficiency w h e n solar operated: The solar modules should be exactly oriented towards the sun for a maximum efficiency.
e.GOJ's maximum efficiency when operating/charging an external device will be achieved when
a) the batteries inserted are fully charged (ideally Li-Ion batteries, only with PROFESSIONAL possible)
b) the solar radiation is approx. 50 - 1 0 0 % of the maximum value (1000 W/m
: approximately midday sun in central Europe,
from March until October)
c) the external device is being operated in switch position 1 (1.3 watts)
d) an external double module is connected and an external device is being operated in switch position 1 or 2 (1.3 or 2.5
Thanks to the patented power regulation control system of e.GO!, constant output power is supplied to the attached external
device even at a non-constant light
Any solar
energy surplus
is stored in the batteries. When the energy demand
of the external device exceeds the solar energy supply, the batteries act as a buffer, counterbalancing the energy shortage
> Efficiency and output power: The lower the output power of e.GO! when operating or charging external devices, the higher
its degree of efficiency. Some devices need a minimum operation or charging performance as of which they accept
operation or charging, though. It is therefore recommended to start in switch position 1 (1.3 watts) and to change to position
2 (2.5 watts) or 3 (4.0 watts) only when necessary. Switch position 3 should be used only in exceptions and is primarily
conceived for the operation with the PROFESSIONAL'S mains adapter.
> Tolerance of the output power: The output power values given for the switch positions 1 to 3 are average values and
depend on the ambient temperature and the output voltage: For details on possible deviations please contact our sen/ice.
> Discharging of external devices: Many devices consume a relatively high current internally if they are attached to an
external battery charger. This pure loss of current amounts typically for 20 to 30 mA, reaching up to 80 mA for some mobile
phones, and even 100 mA for some PDAs and mp3 players or alike (depending on device). A direct operation of such
devices with e.GO! without an internal battery buffering s h o u l d therefore only be carried o u t at full sunshine!
Otherwise the charging current is lower than the internal consumption current of the external device and it seems as if the
device is being discharged by e.GO!.
> Battery types: e.GO! ideally supports 1 or 2 Li-Ion batteries (only PROFESSIONAL) or 2 or 4 AA or AAA NiMH batteries
with a capacity as high as possible. Regardless of their capacity and the charging mode selected, any battery type will be
optimally charged thanks to the intelligent charging control. NiCd batteries should not be used in AAA form if their capacity
falls below the lower limit (please see table 1).
> Li-Ion batteries: New Li-Ion batteries (as the new NiCd and NiMH batteries) are normally supplied uncharged and
disconnected from the battery compartment These batteries will reach their full capacity after a few charge/discharge
cycles. To activate them, please charge them using the e.GO! before connecting it to any external device for operation.
Li-Ion Batteries must not be shot-circuited or be exposed to water (or other liquids) or fire. They should not be exposed to
heavy mechanical efforts, strongly shaken, or let fall, etc. The battery's enclosure must not be opened or altered.
> Batteries w h i c h are faulty or n o t specified: Batteries with an internal short-circuit are charged by e.GO! only with a
minimal current and can rarely recover. Therefore, if no charge condition of at least 20 - 50 % is achieved (LED2 flashes)
after a charge time of several hours using the external mains adapter, the batteries should not be used any further. The use
of other than the batteries mentioned in table 1, such as batteries with a lower capacity, primary batteries or other battery
systems, as well as of RAM cells is not warranted. Primary batteries can however, especially in case of an emergency, be
jsed for an exclusive discharging in e.GO!.
> Ruggedness and mechanical shocks: e.GO! has been designed both for indoor operation using mains power or solar
[through the window) supply and for the rough outdoor operation. It therefore stands scratches and shocks similarly to other
mobile devices (mobile phones, PDAs etc.). It is not, however, protected against strong mechanical shocks, such as when
being dropped against a hard surface. The optional protection cover (in scope for the PROFESSIONAL version), which can
oe pulled out. provides a higher level of
> Humidity: If water penetrates into the case of e.GO!, the batteries must be taken out end (if connected) the mains adapter
mmediately removed. e.GO! should then be put, so that the water drains and it can dry. After drying, faultless operation
should be possible again. High humidity, such as in tropical regions, should not be a problem.
> Temperature protection measures: e.GO! contains a series of internal protection mechanisms against very high ambient
Temperatures in order to prevent permanent damage of both its internal and external electronic components. If an outside
:emperatvre over 45"C
is reached, the charging process will be interrupted and the device will turn off. The same can also
happen by outside temperatures below the freezing point (0°C) as Batteries could be damaged otherwise.
You can minimize this risk by keeping the charging unit (base) out of direct sunlight, using the solar modules to provide
shade. This anyway is the optimal configuration, as it implies a correct solar orientation of the modules. Basically, operation
inside heated (inside temperature above 45°C) or in other hot environment is not recommended. When switching off, all
LEDs are also turned off.
> Short circuit and overcharge: e.GO! is protected against an external short circuit at its DC input socket as well as at the
output adapter cable and switches its internal and external power supply off in this case. Such a case should be
nevertheless absolutely avoided by the user and attention should be paid in order to achieve a proper functioning of
attached external components. e.GO! is protected against over voltage at its inputs and outputs following EMV guidelines.
Connecting a source of power at the output or the use of a non original mains adapter at the DC input or a non original
adapter cable at the
output can lead
to damages both at e.GO! and the device attached, and is of course not warranted. This
also applies when inductive toads are applied to the output adapter cable, leading to an overall emergency voltage above
16 V, which is over the 14 V upper limit and could hence induce permanent electronic damage.
> General safety hints: For safety and energy saving reasons, mains battery chargers (like e.GO! with mains adapter) should
not be attached to unsupervised mains supply. At an internal defect e.GO! limits the output current down to a harmless
value, however, an overcharging of the internal batteries cannot completely be excluded. All LEDs are turned off in such a