January 2020
Solar Stik
, Inc.
Operator and Maintenance Manual for PRO-Verter RMK LAN
11. Reinstall the control board by sliding it back into the housing. Depress the ribbon cable during
reinstallation to prevent damage. Reinstall the four (4) fasteners.
Figure 38. Reinstalling control board
Figure 39. Reinstalling fasteners
12. Reinstall the RMK onto the PRO-Verter.
VI RMK Reassembly and Reinstallation
V RMK Testing
13. If all tests are passed and the RMK still fails to boot when properly installed on the PRO-Verter,
the RMK is NMC. Contact Solar Stik Technical Support (800-793-4364, Ext. 102).
10. Plug the RMK power cord from the PRO-Verter into the RMK power port to determine whether
the problem is solved. If solved, go to the next step. If not, go to step 13.