365, rue du Lieutenant Putier — 71530 VIREY-LE-GRAND
Postal address : BP 10273 — 71100 CHALON/SAONE cedex - France
Telephone : 33 +3 85 97 42 42
Fax : 33 +3 85 97 97 42
E-mail : [email protected]
NT00015/00IH– 06/2011
Mounting instructions for butterfly valves
SYLAX DN 25-350
As well as the indications given in the preceding paragraphs of this notice, it is imperative that the following instructions be followed:
- This notice must be available on site where Sylax butterfly valves DN 25-350 are installed.
- Personnel carrying out any intervention on the valve (installation, setting, reparation, maintenance) must be qualified for the task.
In ATEX zone, the personnel must be trained in the risks of explosion, and should have received specific ATEX training.
- In case the forwarded media would be an explosive atmosphere (deliberate internal explosive) or should it cause an explosive
atmosphere in case of external leakage, the user must check the tightness of the installation after assembling, further to a faulty
operation or on a periodic basis under normal conditions.
It is the responsibility of the user to check after the installation of the valve that there is no leakage. Especially in case of deliberate
internal explosive atmospheres.
- Internal rules and legislation current in the country concerned with respect to health and safety at work must be applied and
- The valve and its control must not undergo any modification without prior approval from our advisory service.
Danfoss Socla is not responsible for any damage which may be caused by the use of parts, accessories or controls which are not
genuine Socla.
- In ATEX zone, the valve and its control must be cleaned regularly to avoid the accumulation of dust.
- Hot or cold parts of the valve which present a danger to the operator must be protected.
- In ATEX zone, fitting a Sylax butterfly valves DN 25-350 at the end of the line is not authorized.
- Do not insert fingers close to parts which are moving or between the lever and the handle during its operation.
- In ATEX zone do not re-paint the products or delivered assemblies.
- In ATEX zone, do not use conductive materials or tools (screw driver,) any closer than one centimetre distance from the
external surface of the liner due to static discharge.