Valve re-assembly with replacement parts :
- Apply silicone inside and outside the liner (4) (not too much).
- Version
with glued liner,
do not silicone the liner (4).
- Hold the body (1) of the valve in a vice.
- Version
with glued liner
, put new DU-rings (10 et 11) into the body of the valve (1).
- Put the liner (4) in place (date at the top and material at the bottom). Make sure it is properly in place in the neck of the valve (1).
- Version
with glued liner
, coat the inside of the valve body (1) with glue (ref.: LOCTITE 4204 and put the liner (4) in place
(date at the top and material at the bottom). Make sure it is properly in place in the neck of the valve (1).
- Grease the end of the shaft (3).
- Put the liner (4) in place by using a plastic-headed mallet to obtain the shape of an upside down heart.
- Check that the liner (4) fits properly into the body (1).
- Grease the liner (4) around the bottom of the shaft (3).
- Put the disc in place, the grooves at the bottom (DN25 up to DN150: Use a plastic-headed mallet. DN200
up to DN350: position by hand).
- Make sure the liner (4) has not been deformed or damaged by the input of the disc (2).
- Position the shaft (3) indexing it to the saw cut on the upper part of the shaft and the mark in relief on the side of the disc (2)
- Reassemble the secondary sealing tightness in order, the anti-extrusion bush (12), the o’ring seal (6), the anti-static earth
strap (13) (ATEX version only), the sealing washer (5) (large interior diameter at the bottom) and the circlip (7).
- Make one complete manœuvre by turning the disc 360°.
- It is advised that the valve be re-tested by a test under pressure at 1.5 PMA (trial P11 following the standard EN12266-1).
In ATEX zone, this test is compulsory.
- Check the link between the actuation shaft connected to the antistatic strap using an ohmmeter (test according to EN 1226-2,
annex B, point b.2.2.2. and B.2.3.1)
In ATEX zone, this test is compulsory.
- Fit the valve to the pipe work : see ‘’installation’’ paragraph).
Guide bushes
It is recommended that this maintenance be carried out every ten years or every 1,000,000 actuations (in normal conditions of
In ATEX zone, this maintenance is compulsory.
Follow the ‘’Tightness’’ procedure. Remove the guide bushes (10,11) use a mallet and a screw driver.
For the valve re-assembly, put the guide bushes(10,11) in with a mallet. The smallest guide bush in the lower half-body and
the biggest one in the upper half-body. Follow the ‘’Tightness’’ procedure.
Mounting instructions for butterfly valves
SYLAX DN 25-350
This maintenance must be done according to the working conditions.
In an ATEX zone of category 2, this maintenance must be carried out at least every 5 years or every 500.000 operations.
- Remove the valve from the installation (see specific procedure).
- Closed the disc so that it is about 5 to 10mm inside the body.
- Remove, in order, the circlip (7), the sealing washer (5), the anti-static casing tress (13) (ATEX version only),
the o’ ring seal (6), the anti- extrusion bush (12). If need be, position the valve upside down to carry out this operation
Put the valve in open position
Pull the shaft (3) upwards and take it out completely.
Remove the disc (2).
Remove the liner (4).
If the valve is mounted with glued liner (Silicone, FKM, …), we advise to replace the valve, otherwise, please follow
the instructions below:
- Rip the liner (4) out using a tool.
- Remove all the liner from the body (1).
- Remove the rings DU (10 & 11) using a screwdriver.
- Strip properly the body (1)
- Apply Epoxy onto the body (1) (mini thickness 80µm).
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