Power Saving Mode
Power Saving Mode
option is designed to conserve battery life of you computer. When
the Power Saving Mode is activated by selecting the
button, your 11Mbps Wireless
LAN CF Card will go into sleep mode to minimize power consumption.
When power saving mode is enabled, the Access Points you use need to
support power saving as well so that the communication can be established.
TX Rate
The 11Mbps Wireless LAN CF Card provides various data rate options for you to select. Data
rates options include
, and
. In most
networking scenarios, you will see that the factory-set default “
” will prove the most
efficient. This setting will allow your 11Mbps Wireless LAN CF Card to operate at the
maximum data rate. When the communications quality drops below a certain level, the
Wireless LAN CF Card will automatically switch to a lower data rate. Transmission at lower
data speed is usually more reliable. However, when the communications quality improves
again, the Wireless LAN CF Card will gradually increase the data rate again, until it has reached
the highest available transmit rate.
Similar to Ping Command, this tool allows you to point-to-point data transmission quality
between two stations. By entering
IP address
of another station and set the timeout and
packet size, you may check whether the communication has been made successfully or not.
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