Technical Support
The firmware and driver version of the Wireless LAN CF Card is displayed on the utility
About tab. Users could download and upgrade the latest software version from the
supplier’s web site or refer to the sales contact for the latest software information. If you
have difficulty resolving the problem while installing or using the Wireless LAN CF Card,
please contact the supplier for support.
About This Manual
11Mbps Wireless LAN CF Card User Manual is first published on January, 2002. The
manual includes procedures for the setup of the 11Mbps Wireless LAN CF Card under
Windows CE 3.0, Pocket PC 2002, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows
ME and Windows NT. Take a moment to read through this manual and familiarize
yourself with wireless technology.
Software Information
The software package works only on the Wireless LAN CF Card and Wireless LAN PCMCIA
Card, and contains the following versions of driver and utility programs.
For CE Windows System:
Driver -- Version 1.1.0 and above
Utility -- Version 1.1.0 and above
For Windows XP/2000/NT/98/ME Systems:
Driver -- Version 4.0.7
Utility -- Version 4.0.7
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