A configuration window appears. The Wireless LAN Utility provides the 5 following items for
you to configure and monitor the 11Mbps Wireless LAN CF Card.
tab displays the current status of the Wireless LAN CF Card.
Adapter -
Displays the name of the Wireless LAN CF Card.
- Displays the firmware version of your Wireless LAN CF Card.
- The regulated operating frequency per country.
Channel -
Displays the current channel that the Wireless LAN CF Card is using.
MAC Address -
It is a hardware identification number that distinguishes the unit from others.
Sync to AP -
Displays the ESSID of the Access Point that the Wireless LAN CF Card associates
Shows MAC Address of the Access Point that the Wireless LAN CF Card associates
Link Quality -
Link quality monitors the quality of the data transmission between the Wireless
LAN CF Card and an Access Point.
Signal Level -
This bar graph displays signal strength as reported by the radio, averaged over all
frames that are received from the Access Point.
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