Try changing the pattern of the sequencer by accessing the Right Option Menu. Hold
down the bottom-right round button, and you will see the Right Option Menu. Touch
a hexagon on the second row from the top to select different patterns. Try touching the
rightmost hexagon in that row, and it will step randomly. Some of the other patterns are
not noticeably different unless you have at least two rows of hexagons active. Try
pressing the left-most hexagon in that row. It chooses the Left->Right/Down->Up
pattern (the default). Now try pressing it again. The hexagon will turn red, and it will
reverse the pattern. All of the patterns can be reversed by pressing them twice like this.
When you press Random twice it changes to a Random Walk.
Guess what? You actually have two of these sequencers running in parallel. You can
access the second sequencer through the Left Option Menu by holding down the
bottom-left round button and touching the top right Upper Hexagon. That will present
you with another page, which is exactly the same as the first, but it relates to the second
sequencer. They share an input clock, but are otherwise independent. Try putting
together two sequencers with different numbers of steps for interesting polyrhythms.
Values for the second sequencer will come out the bottom six outputs (rows 3 and 4), so
try setting up another patch using those outputs (they are in the same layout as the top
six outputs). To switch back to the first sequencer, hold down the bottom-left round
button and touch the Upper Hexagon next to the one you pressed to enter the second
sequencer. That will bring you back to the first. Actually, there are always two available
instruments in the MantaMate/Manta combination, unless one of the instruments
requires more than 6 outputs (as in the case of keyboards with polyphonic handling),
and those instruments can be two sequencers, two keyboard, two direct instruments, or
any mix of those things.