Vega-MV Router Multiviewer - User Manual
Issue 1 Revision 2
Page 146
© 2017 SAM
Object Menu
Web Interface 7.6
7.6.17 Edit Object - UMD Tab
Figure 104 Edit Object - UMD Tab
Text 1st line
tick box
and text box
Tick the box to make the UMD text for the first line visible.
Enter the UMD text to be displayed on the first line.
Text 2nd line
tick box
and text box
Tick the box to make the UMD text for the second line visible.
Enter the UMD text to be displayed on the second line.
Choose font for the text.
Font Size
Choose font-size of the text.
Foreground Colour
Sets the color of the text.
Background Colour
Sets the color of the UMD background.
Position of UMD relative to the tile.
tick box
and text box
Places a separator between the UMD, the object's image and also
between each line of text.
Tick the box to enable the Separator.
Select the color of the separator from the drop down menu.
Inside tile
tick bo
Tick the box to place the UMD bar inside the tile (within the active
picture). Leave the box unticked to place the UMD within the tile
but outside of the active picture, the area reserved for the UMD will
be indicated by a shaded area on the video tile in the editor
workspace (see page 75, Figure 57 for an example).
Transparent on video
tick box
Tick the box to enable transparency of the UMD when it is in the
picture area.
Transparency level
Sets the transparency of the UMD when it is in the picture area.
tick box
Enables/disables the UMD.
Table 58
Edit Object - UMD Tab