Vega-MV Router Multiviewer - User Manual
Issue 1 Revision 2
Page 12
© 2017 SAM
EMC Standards:
Safety 2.7
EMC Performance of Cables and Connectors:
SAM products are designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the appropriate European
EMC standards. In order to achieve this performance in real installations it is essential to use
cables and connectors with good EMC characteristics.
All signal connections (including remote control connections) shall be made with screened
cables terminated in connectors having a metal shell. The cable screen shall have a
large-area contact with the metal shell.
FCC Compliance;
In order to comply with FCC/CFR47: Part 15 regulations, it is necessary to use the following
specification of cable assemblies for HDMI interconnections:
For HDMI to HDMI use a high-quality triple-screened cable assembly for optimum
with integrated ferrite suppression at both ends of the cable for optimum RF/EMI
integrity in compliance with HDMI specifications.